Chapter Fourteen - ✿ Hope and Luck ✿

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The next morning, after rollcall, Chatot called us over. "Two of you should stay back and do sentry duty." He got right to the point. "Pearl, you've done this often, so you can go ahead and remind Kip on sentry duties." Pika and Hex prepared to climb the ladder, and grab a job, when Chatot continued in a lower tone, "You four shouldn't hope too hard about being picked for the expedition. Your monumental failure yesterday weighs heavily on both my mind and the Guildmaster's. I don't think there is anything your team can do to increase your favor."

The condemnation hit all of us hard. Especially after last night's rally to do everything in our power to perform well in the field, and after what Chimecho and the rest of the Guild's recruits did for us. I could tell that it shocked Pika most of all, and Hex hurried him up the ladder. There wasn't any reason to give Team Skull any more ammunition to bully Pika with, even though they would all be gone on the expedition and out of the Guild soon.

I led Kip into the sentry hole, the echo of Chatot's words resounding in my head, followed by as many words as I could think of to convince him that Pika is worthy, if anyone is worthy it's him.

"Chatot's words aren't set in stone," Kip said to me. "He was really terrified of what Wigglytuff might do if he didn't get his Perfect Apple. Maybe it's coloring Chatot's judgment more than Wigglytuff's?"

"Weren't you the one to say that Chatot was Wigglytuff's link to all of us?" I reminded him. "If it colors Chatot's opinion, it might be safe to say that it color's Wigglytuff's, too. He's not all-knowing, Kip, though I appreciate the hope. Those words might have been better for Pika."

"Pika's got Hex to cheer him up," Kip said dismissively. "I, on the other fin, know that you need to accept this or have something to hope for before you can be cheered up."

"And how would you know that?" I asked. "Arceus knows I don't know that."

"Blame it on a feeling I have. But I believe it's true."

"Let's hope it is, because I'm over these emotions, as much as they want to stick to me."

"First, sentry duty. I hear a Pokémon approaching."

I got more than an acceptable number of Pokémon footprints wrong, but Kip was able to switch with me so I just had to relay what he identified. For now, we could limit Chatot's disappointment with the team and hope that this wouldn't affect us in the long-term.

I've only been causing them problems, and Chatot doesn't like me, I thought. Would it have been better for them to take Pika? But then how would I have gotten in as a lone explorer, and a new one at that?

"Pearl, it's an Eevee," Lidin said. "Are you paying attention?" he asked gently.

I let out a hiss of air. "No, I wasn't." I called up that an Eevee was at the Guild entrance. "Chatot's words have been running around in my head." I guess that's technically true.

"I know. They've been circling in mine, too. I'm thinking about Hex and Pika. What are your thoughts repeating?"

"I'm just not helping you guys, Skuntank targeted us because I got hostile, Chatot doesn't like me so he threw you guys in with my mistakes, and all that led up to Chatot believing Chief Stench over Hex. If there was a way to distance myself from you guys, I would." It's for the best. I don't even belong here, the more attached I become to them, and them to me, the harder going home will be.

"But that't not what I, or Hex or Pika for that matter, want," Kip said. "We want you with us. You're our friend."

"I'm not going to be here forever like you guys," I pointed out. "I don't belong here. I'm going to be gone at some point."

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