The Parent Trap: Part 2

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Things don't get any better over the next couple of days and by Thursday night they all seem to have reached the end of their ropes.

Tori closes her refrigerator with a glass of juice in hand only to pause when she hears a hard knock on the front door. She sets her glass on the counter and slowly walks over to see who's here at nearly ten o'clock at night.

Jade pushes past her and into the house as soon as the door is open. "I can't take this anymore," she declares.

"Hi, Jade. Come on in," Tori says dryly. She closes the door and turns to face the now pacing goth. "Can't take what?"

"This whole Beck and Jesse situation," she explains. "They're miserable and not together and it's not right! They're supposed to be like black vultures."

Tori looks at her in pure confusion. "What does that mean?" she asks slowly.

Jade rolls her eyes. "Black vultures mate for life, Tori!" she snaps like it's common knowledge.


"Yes, oh!"

Tori stares at her for a second before she appears to come to some sort of conclusion. "Okay. I completely agree that we need to get those two back together but I just- can I ask you something first?"

"If you must," Jade allows.

"Why is it so important to you that Beck and Jesse stay together?" she asks. "I mean, we all want them to be happy and hate that they're fighting, and I get that they're two of your best friends, but you get really protective of their relationship."

Jade stares silently for a few seconds before she looks down at her shoes, finding it easier to be honest if she doesn't have to actually look at her. "My parents divorced when I was a kid," she explains. "They don't see each other often, but when they do... it's awful. They always argue and they're just so bitter."

"Okay," Tori says slowly. "That's terrible and I'm really sorry but what does that have to do with Beck and Jesse?"

Jade sighs. "When I look at Beck and Jesse, the way they act and the way they love each other, it, well, it makes me think love can be real, you know?" She looks up at her. "It makes me believe a relationship can last."

Tori's face softens as she nods in understanding. "They give you hope," she says quietly.

"Yeah," Jade agrees, voice equally quiet.

There's a moment of silence between them before Jade clears her throat, quickly shaking off the brief show of vulnerability as if it never even happened.

"Now, what are we gonna do?" she asks. "How do we get them to talk things out?"

Tori gives her a look for it but allows the deflection from Jade's own feelings and emotions. "The problem isn't getting them together to talk," she says, grabbing her juice again and sitting down on the couch. "The problem is keeping them together so they will talk."

Jade, who had gone back to her pacing, freezes and spins around on her heels. "So, we don't let them leave."

"What do you mean?" Tori asks, brow furrowed in confusion.

"We'll lock them in a room together," Jade tells her, smirking at her own brilliance. "We'll lock them in a room and not open the door until they figure things out."

Tori slowly starts to nod. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay!" she says, steadily gaining enthusiasm. "That should work."

"It will work," Jade says firmly before her voice softens and she suddenly looks a bit like a scared little girl. "It has to."

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