What Happens in Vegas: Part 2

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The next day, they meet in the hotel's lobby to figure out how they'll kill time before the fight that evening. Jesse can tell everybody's getting a bit restless and wants to go explore on their own.

Naturally, the fact that he knows them means the entire concept makes him nervous.

He's pulled out of his worried thoughts by Beck silently reaching over to lower the hand he hadn't even noticed was at his mouth. "Sorry," he mutters when he realizes.

"Calm down, babe," Beck tells him, thumb rubbing softly over his knuckles. "Everything will be fine."

The ding of the nearby elevator catches everyone's attention as their last two members finally join them.

"Look at that," Andre notes when he sees Jade and Tori walk calmly through the doors. "You're both still alive."

Tori nods, eyes a little wide in surprise. "I know. I'm kinda shocked myself."

"Tori's not... completely terrible as a roommate," Jade grudgingly admits. She thinks for a second then scoffs and nods in Trina's direction. "Definitely better than the other Vega. That's for sure."

"Hey!" Trina exclaims in offense. "You have no idea what I'm like as a roommate."

"She snores," Cat promptly informs them. She doesn't seem to notice when the offended look transfers to her as she giggles to herself. "Like a little bear."

"I do not!" she denies.

Tori nods. "Yeah. You do."

"Who cares that Trina snores?" Andre asks rhetorically.

"I don't!" she protests again.

"The important question is this: what are we doing today?" he goes on, completely ignoring her pout.

Jade turns to Jesse with a pointed look. "Well, if we could get away from our chaperones..." she drawls.

Jesse only raises his eyebrows, unaffected by the implied complaint. "You guys need chaperones," he reminds her. "Otherwise you end up in the hospital because of illegal fish or sucking Rex into a wind machine or getting hired for stunt work you're not qualified for or starring in a stupid reality show or-"

"Okay. Okay," Tori interrupts with a frown. "Point made."

"You sure?" Beck asks with a smirk. "He can keep going."

"Please don't," Robbie says quietly.

Jade rolls her eyes. "Just because-"

"Beck? Jesse?"

They all turn at the new voice to see a rather sparkly figure making their way over with a smile. Beck and Jesse both return the smile while the others can only stare in mild surprise.

"Candy!" Jesse greets, dimples shining as he looks up at the noticeably taller person. (The bright yellow pumps create at least a six-inch difference.)

Candy holds one hand over their heart and tilts their head, thick blond curls barely shifting with the movement. "Aw, look at you two," they coo. "Beautiful as ever together, I tell you."

"You look great too," Beck tells them. "New dress?"

"This old thing?" they ask, running ring covered hands down the bright fabric. "Yeah. I got it last week."

The three of them fall into easy conversation and manage to completely miss the looks being traded between the others as they try to decide who will interrupt.

Finaly, Andre clears his throat. "Uh, Beck? Jesse? Who's your friend?" he asks slowly.

"Oh, right. Guys, meet Candy Glitter," Beck introduces. "They work with my uncle."

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