09 | Letters

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Last night I got to see her smile. Her real smile. I could tell it was a genuine smile so that explains why I acted as I did. Sorta. Honestly, I'm just fascinated by her in general.

The fact that she was my childhood best friend made me more interested in her. Although her not remembering who I am does make me sad. I'm just hoping she remembers who I am and just doesn't recognize it's me.

Because we made a promise when I moved that no matter what we would never forget each other. I kept my promise so I hope she did too.

A pounding knock on my bedroom door appears. For fucks sake.

I ignore the knock and a few seconds later, the same pounding knock bangs on my door.

"Fuck off, Summer!" I yell at her through the closed doors.

I knew it was summer because both our parents were at work right now. If it was my mother consider me dead because she would not handle that disrespect. I would get the slap of my life if I spoke to her light that.

"Zayden open the door!" Summer yelled continuing to bang on my door.


Forcing myself to get up, I unlock my door and stare at my sister who holds a box in her hand.

"What do you want" I roll my eyes at her.

"I found this box of memories with you and your old friends, I thought you might want it," she says holding out the box for me to grab.

She's doing something nice for me. For once. She's not all sweet as she sounds. She's vicious.

Summer is literally demonic. The other day she started pretending like her bones were cracking as a reference to Stranger Things.

Taking the box from her hand, I thank her and shut the door, locking it.

I sit on my bed and begin to open the box. It's filled with pictures, papers, and bracelets.

I randomly grab something and the first thing I grab was two matching bracelets.

Somehow, I remember the origin of these bracelets. Childhood me and childhood Aliyia begged our parents to buy us separate matching bracelets.

One was to use for the both of us together and the other was for our future relationships. We were weird 8-year-olds.

I smile at the memory, placing the object to the side. The next thing I grabbed was a picture.

I also remember this. It was taken on one of those cameras Aliyia got for Christmas. It's a picture of us sitting near a river. That river used to be our favorite spot.

And also the tree beside the river. We begged our parents to let us go there together all the time. Best times.

I look through all the photos of us as children and smile at them. She's changed quite a bit.

She was a natural brunette as a kid. But guess she dyed her hair blonde.

Honestly brunette was the best but that doesn't make her any less beautiful to me.

Setting the picture down, I reach for the last few papers in the box. Notes and letters.

Notes we snuck to each other during class and letters we often wrote when we were bored.

I read the first note and cringed at my writing and spelling.

I am hungre I want lunch alreade I hate math so much what did you mom pack for lunch? My mama packed me chickan and rice :)

-zay zay

Zay Zay. I remember that nickname. I think Aliyia made that up because apparently saying my full name was boring to her.

Picking up another note, I smile. Aliyias's writing as a kid was amazing, even to this day. Guess it's just a natural talent of hers.

Karter is so mean to me. He keeps yelling at me for messing up :(  I just want him to move schools. I cant stand him.. also I have a sandwhich for lunch and a juice box


She spelled 'sandwich' wrong but that makes it funnier. I want her to realize who I am, maybe I could get my best friend back.

Authors Note

Shorter chapter than usual because 1. Why not, 2. Filler chap I guess.

Anyways I started the devils night series, Erika fame is hot asf🤭 any book recs?

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