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"Mai are you okay-"
Midoriya started to ask but Recovery girl shooed the teen back into her room.
"No! You need rest young lady!"
She said slamming the door and forcing her onto the bed.
"You're not supposed to be awake let alone walking around! I'll need to put you under again!"

Mai complained.
Her head still felt like someone filled her skull with whipped cream.
She didn't want to put more drugs into her system.
"Recovery girl! Don't! I don't like feeling all..."

The old woman guessed

"I was going to say 'weak' but that works to."
Mai said hugging a pillow while pouting.

"If I don't give you anything you risk feeling strong pain and getting an infection."
The doctor explained while doing doctor shit with Mai's IV.

"I can handle a little pain! I'm not just some weak marshmallow~"
Mai said giggling.
God she hated being high.
It made her feel like a different, more idiotic version of herself.
"Please get me off of these drugs."
Mai asked her pout dropping to her usual expression.

"Fine, but not immediately. I'll take you off slowly so your body doesn't go into shock."
Recovery girl gave up patting Mai's arm.
"But you need to get some rest."
The ordered in a stern voice.

Mai rolled her eyes and laid down snuggling into her blankets.
She said closing her eyes.

Recovery girl shook her head and left the room.
"Well nevermind, She'll be fine.
But she's awake and doesn't want anymore pain or sleep medication."
Recovery girl stated an almost completely different answer from only five minutes earlier.

"How is she even awake?!"
Denki asked flabbergasted after seeing Mai awake so soon.

"My guess is that her quirk fights against heavy sleep meditation when it feels like she should be awake, I've come across quirks like that before.
My theory on that is, the quirk is trying to protect her from staying in a vonarable position for Longer than nessisary, this has happened to her before briefly..."
Recovery girl explained
referring to when Mai was shot with a tranquilizer dart and woke up only a few moments later.

Of course her All Might and Aizawa were the only ones who knew what she was referring to.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?!"
Bakugou grumbled.
"Fuck this I'm leaving, tell devil bitch I hate her when she wakes up."
The boy said before leaving slamming the door in his wake.

"Aw he does care!"
Kirishima said happily smiling at the door his best friend just assaulted.

"You take that as caring?"
Sero asked rolling his eyes.

Mina playfully shoved Sero.
"He stayed this long and only left after he knew she would be fine."
Sero shrugged still not quite convinced.

"Can we see her?"
Iida asked quietly carful not to wake up his friend.

"No. She needs to try and get rest, you all should leave, go home and get some rest of your own
Even if tomorrow is your last day of school but you better not slack off and be late."
Aizawa commanded.

"Sir Can we please stay-"
Midoriya asked.

"Aizawa's right, she'll be fine we should go home."
Uraraka agreed grabbing Midoriya's arm.
"She wouldn't want us to wait."
She reasoned pulling him.

"Yes! Just because school is almost over doesn't mean we should stay up late like hooligans!"
Iida agreed chopping his hands at his classmates.

One by one the students left like their teacher commanded.

All might looked at Recovery girl after deflating.
"Can you notify me when she's allowed to have visitors? She saw me after I uh... Ran out of time and I'll need to discuss it with her."
He requested.

Recovery girl nodded.
"Alright. And I'll give Nezu a scolding as well, you're not in shape enough to be fighting  children!"
Recovery girl said hobbling across the waiting room towards the door to her private bedroom which was in her office.
"Especially not her, she sure is something isn't she? fighting with a pole sticking out of her side. I'll give her a scolding to, she needs to be more careful."

Recovery girl shook her head.
"In the meantime I need a nap, if she wakes up and walks out again you have my full premission to knock her out with brute force."
The old woman said shaking her head and leaving to get some much needed rest.

God I love recovery girl...

(Btw sorry if the doctor shit sounded stupid, it's because I'm kinda stupid and didn't want to put in the effort of googling)

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