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Another knock sounded at her door.
The last one was almost an hour ago and Mai could hear it was only one person.
She stood up and walked to the door, she opened it to see Jirou holding two large rolled up pieces of paper.
She said nervously.
"So at the summer camp we were talking and I just remembered..."
She put her arms out handing Mai the paper.
She unrolled it and saw it was a poster.

"Is this?"
She questioned, on it was the band her and Jirou both listen to.
They had discussed it together the day Mai chose to sit with her and Shoji rather than her usual group.

"Yeah, I didn't have enough space for them on my walls and yours are pretty empty so I was wondering if you wanted them."
She said with a blush, Jirou wasn't really used to giving gifts to friends and Mai wasn't used to receiving them meaning both girls were out of their elements here.

Mai said smiling awkwardly.
Not the broad teeth showing one she tried on Kirishima.
That one was scary enough to make him almost pass out.

"Want help putting them up?"
Jirou offered.

Mai nodded.
She answered stepping aside to let her friend in.


Denki skipped up to the group of kids on the floor.
It was Mai, Bakugou and Kirishima all in a circle watching an old anime.
"Hello lady and gentlemen! I present to you..."
He shouted dropping down and shoving something in Mai's face.
He said dramatically throwing his free hand into the air.

Mai's Vision focused on the object in front of her.
It was a piece of clay that resembled a blob.
"Is it a cow?"
She asked picking it up and inspecting it.

He gasped and flopped onto the floor.
"Of course not you little Dilettante! It's a cat! And his name is Fred!"
He sighed as Mai tilted her head.

"I slaved away for more than ten minutes creating this master piece!"
He complained.

Mai asked holding it in her palm.

"So I could bless you with your first knickknack of course!"
He said patting her cheek.
"Gaze on it and remember me."
He whispered.


Kirishima sighed as All Might explained their training exercise.
It was just an "everyman for himself" kinda thing wherr they were supposed to try and steal each other's flags.
But that wasn't his current focus.

Kirishima eyed Mai from across the room.
He was at a point where he could at least admit to himself that he had a tiny crush on her.
But who wouldn't?! She was funny in a sly sarcastic kinda way, she was amazing at everything she did even if on accident and not to mention the fact that she was really pretty.

The said girl stood tying her hair up into a ponytail listening intently to All Might's instruction completely unaware of the red head staring at her in admiration.

'I Wonder if she designed her own costume?'
He asked himself as he looked at the simple white suit.
It wasn't flashy or anything like some of the other costumes but it looked good on her.

'She should wear white more often it looks good on her.
Well everything looks good on her.
Did she design it herself?'
He smiled as he imagined Mai sitting and doodling a costume after being accepted into UA.
'But she doesn't seem to be the artistic type... But maybe she is! That's cool she's good at a lot so I wouldn't be surprised...'

There was still a lot he didn't know about her but he really wanted to know.
What was her favorite color? What did she like to do? How did she get all those scars?
That last one bothered him.
Was it from training? Or did someone else do it to her? Maybe she got in a lot of fights? That would explain why she's so experienced.

But he was fine with leaving that question unanswered for as long as she wanted.
Hell, he'd do whatever she wanted.
Anything to make her genuinely smile-

"Shitty hair!! Are you fucking deaf?!"
Bakugou screamed and slapped the back of Kirishima's red hair.

The boy stuttered his hand rubbing the assaulted area.

"We have two minutes to hide- god you weren't even listening were you?! Go hide so I can find and destroy you!!"
Bakugou screamed storming off.

'Oh right... Training...'
Kirishima remembered and soon he thoughts drifted away from Mai and to the task at hand.
'Wait! What are we doing again?!'

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