Chapter Six

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All the best movies started with a fake relationship. Needing a date for a wedding, a person to charm the parents, or even to help a friend. Those desperate moments when pretending to be loved by someone seemed like life or death. And even though there were a ton of different options, it always seemed the most practical.

I wouldn't say Wren and I were headed in that direction. This was about being right, but that wasn't a good enough excuse for what I was doing now. Following a boy, I didn't know, to a place he wouldn't disclose. I'd followed him before, but at least I was with his friends. This time, we were alone. If Shae was watching this scene from the outside, they'd scream, "YOU TRIPPIN'!"

But his hands were warm. And though I knew it was a terrible excuse, I wanted to trust him. I'd never have a night like this again. Experiencing something as magical as that show, I wanted to believe if I stayed with him, I'd get as close to magic as I could. Although he hadn't given me much, I trusted him.

His concert high simmered down as he drummed his fingers into my skin. The warmth of his hand smothered my own. We weaved through the parked cars. Though I'd never seen it before, I found his car instantly.

Tugging me closer, he popped the locks of a custom 1969 cherry red convertible mustang. The simple fact of owning a car was impressive to me, but one of this stature deserved to be praised. "Nice car."

My mother said complimenting a man on his car was like complimenting the man himself. And by the way he beamed, I knew she was right.

"Thanks." He opened the car door for me. He was a gentleman too. I had to laugh at myself. Humans have let us down so much, we praise someone for the littlest things. But it was good enough for me. I would use anything to rationalize my actions. And the running tally was now at three.

Reason to Trust Wren Wade:

1. He's magical

2. He has warm hands.

3. He's a gentleman. (Except when he makes romantic declarations of love without asking.)

As he pulled into the empty street, I took a moment to get more acquainted. His car looked like him in the way owners mirrored their pets. It was a customized expression of him. And it was expensive. "Are you secretly rich or something?" I asked.

His laugh sounded so alive, I felt goosebumps rise on my skin. "It was my Dad's."

He brought the windows down and the night air reminded me how happy I was to be away from that bonfire. But by the looks of it, he was taking me deeper into the city. "Where are we going?"

"I know a great restaurant that's opened."

Places were still open at one in the morning? Thankfully, he hadn't taken me too far from home. Minutes later, we pulled into an empty restaurant.

He got out and walked with ease. As I trailed behind him, I created a new list.

Reasons NOT to Trust Wren Wade:

1. He took me to a deserted restaurant past one in the morning.

The Greta's sign was out, and only the security lights kept us company. "Wren? I think it's closed."

"Not for long." Pushing back the welcome rug, he dug for the key and dismantled the locks.

Reasons NOT to Trust Wren Wade:

2. He trying to get me arrested.

"Um, this is a break-in," I said. A security camera hung at the top of the door. I tumbled back into a decorative bush until I was completely hidden.

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