Chapter Nine

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Wren's Point of View

We ran out of gas. She's gonna be so pissed when she wakes up. I can't wait.

I really should give Nora a break. She's been through a lot, but I know she doesn't want to go to Mrs. Davidson's yet. She's scary. What Nora needs right now is to let go. She's getting there, but I can push her a little further. Just a few little inconveniences to mess up her plans. Like me.

In the passenger seat, she stirs in her sleep. Tucked in a little ball, her braids fan out over her knees. I can hear her soft breathing. Even the sound of it makes me smile. I've been scribbling song lyrics in my journal for what feels like hours. She really is inspiring me. I hope I can inspire her too.

When she stirs again, I stick my cigarette out the car window. The sunflower field was a great idea. She looked so fucking happy. I swear it's the first time I've seen her genuinely smile. I gotta make her do that shit every day. It literally does light up a room. And I got a kiss. Bonus points. I can't get a deduction for smoking.

Hopping out of the car, I lean against the hood. It's so dark I can barely see. I hope she wakes up soon. I miss her. God, I'm so whipped. I can't believe I actually found her. The girl I've been in love with for years.

I was in eighth grade. My mom was trying something new. Since kids bullied me so badly, she switched me to a school outside of Grant Lake. That's how I met Lawson. He use to make fun of me for my lisp and eventually; I fucking lost it. I beat the crap out of him, broke his nose and everything. I should've got suspended, but my mom's powerful. The teacher didn't want to bark up that tree. Two weeks of in-school suspension was my sentence.

On the last day of my suspension, I met a girl. I remembered her big puffballs and brown eyes. We traded notes in class. She took the blame for one of her "friends" and we decided as little warriors of justice to help each other. I told her to be more assertive and stand up for herself. She told me to handle my anger better. And as for my lisp?

I'd never forget it. She looked up at me with those adorable chestnut eyes and said, "Why don't you sing?"

Been in love with her to this day, but since my mom made me switch schools the very next week, she doesn't remember me. When I saw Shae's post, I had to see if they were talking about the same Nora Campbell. I still remembered her name, but never found her on social media. I see why. She's been busy. Too busy.

I don't want to give her any reason not to go for this animation thing. Shae thinks it will be good for her, so I've got to make sure she doesn't put it off. Especially since her dad kicked her out. It's about to get hard for her. Life without your family is scary at first, and especially for someone like her.

"Hey, baby brother," Ainsley says the moment she picks up. "I didn't think you remembered my number. What? You need to use the family name to get out of a speeding ticket again?"

I roll my eyes. She always has to give me a hard time. "Ha-ha, very funny."

I look back and check on Nora. She's dead to the world. I didn't realize she was so sleepy.

"So, what do I owe this pleasure?" Ainsley asks.

"You know you're my favorite sister, right?"

She laughs. "Uh-huh."

"Can you buy me some stuff? It's not for me. It's animation equipment and it's expensive."

"Is it for a girl?" I could hear her dancing on the other line. She was in love, so she wanted everyone else to be too. "Oh, is it that girl you talked about at your show? Felix, I felt so bad for her. She looked so shocked!"

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