𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

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I pull up to my moms house and get out locking the car again. I walk up to the door and open it.

"Mom." I say walking down the hall peeking my head into the kitchen, no sign of anyone.
I walk to the living room and walk inside and the tv is on but nobody is there.

"Mom!" I shout walking out of the living room but freeze when I see my sister on the stairs. My sister Samantha left when I was 10 and she was 15 to live with my aunt because she didn't get along with my mom for reasons...She didn't call or text anyone in the family, she didn't even show up to dads funeral.

"Sammy." I whispered and she smiled at me.

"Woah pip, you grew up." She walks down the stairs towards me and I step back hitting the wall.

"Why are you here?" I ask her tears filling my eyes.

"I was coming through town thought I'd stop by, where's mom?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say and look away from her and start walking towards the door but she stops me by standing in front of me.

"Go away Samantha." I Tell her.

"Spencer, I'm sorry. You know I didn't get along with mom she didn't love me like she loves you, she never did. I came back to try work things out."

"You didn't even show up to dads funeral, you didn't call."

"Calls go both ways and you know that you could have called."

"Mom didn't let me." I say and push past her and walk out the door.

"Where are you going? You live here idiot." She laughs.

"No I don't, I left I'm staying with a friend because mom is an alcoholic who can't get her life together for fuck sake." I say back to her while unlocking Juliet's car and getting in.

I drive to park parking outside, it was starting to get dark outside since it was getting darker earlier. I locked the car and walked to the bench I usually sit on.

I sat down and let out a breathe. What a day. I get dropped by my friends then my sister who I haven't seen in years shows up out of the blue. God my life is a joke.

My phone buzzes but I ignore it, I lay down across the bench staring at the sky trying to clear my head but instead I get dragged into my negative thoughts like usual.

If my dad were here he'd tell me 'remember, somethings have to end for new things to begin'.

My dad always knew how to make me feel better, it's doesn't matter if it was his cringy jokes, little but full of meaning quotes or just being there for me. Whenever my dad was just there next to me, I never felt alone. I knew I could tell him anything and he'd help me feel better.

Ever since he died I just feel so alone, that's until I'm with Juliet. She makes me feel like I'm not alone, she gives the best hugs, her sarcasm, her humour is the same as mine, she is so loving and kind hearted.

A single flame can light up a room, that was Juliet. Her eyes shine brighter then the lights in the city ever could and her smile, that goddamn smile, her smile dared me to fall for her.

"Spencer." I heard a voice say and I sat up quickly and saw Juliet running over to me.

She bends down in front of me and wipes the tears under my eyes, her breath heavy from running.

"Are you okay?" She wraps her arms around me and I wrap mine around her.

"I will be." I close my eyes and unwrap my arms from around her, she leans back and looks at me.

"What's happened?"

"Nothing it's fine." I let out a shaky breath and stand up.

"Spencer. You can talk to me." She puts her hand on my shoulder and I shake her off.

I drove everyone away, my dad, my friends and probably Samantha.

"I'm fine Juliet." I wipe my tears and start walking away.

"Spencer your not fine-"

"I know Juliet. God I fucking know, stop telling me I know I'm not fine I don't need a reminder every fucking time I can't hold it in."


"Go home Juliet. I'll stay somewhere else tonight." I hand her the keys to her car and give her a small smile and she Threads her fingers through mine.

"I'm not letting you run away from your problems, I'm not trying to remind you your not fine Spencer. I want to help you, I don't want you to feel alone. I care so much about you, like I never cared for someone before-"

"Juliet. I don't deserve you I don't deserve any of this. You deserve someone better then me, someone who doesn't have a melt down every week." I start sobbing.

"Spencer. You don't get to say what I deserve, I don't want someone better then you it's not possible you are the best and you don't even realise it. I want all of you and that's including the melt downs, the bad moods I want all of it. I promise you that you will not drive me away, I admire you to much for that." She looks me in the eye and I bite the inside of my lip and close my eyes leaving the tears come down. I turn my head away from her and she pulls my hand towards her wrapping me in her warm, safe arms.

"Leave it out." She whispers rubbing my back.

I cry in her arms and she kisses my head.

"I'm sorry." I whisper back.

"Don't be sorry for expressing your emotion Spencer." She leans back and cups my face in her hands and smiles at me.

"Your to good for this world Julie." I smile and sniffle.

"I could say the exact same about you." She wipes the tears under my eyes and I take a deep breath.

"Come on, let's go home." She holds out her hand and i nod and take it.

Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now