The Hopeless Romantic

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Those in this category are so star struck with their own fantasies of a heart-melting, happily-ever-after romance where there's chocolate and strawberries all through.

I mean, there's a reason 'hopeless' is added to their name. Ha ha...

Prince charming fans. You've most likely read all the Disney Princess books that exist and have probably also watched all the films and know all the songs.

Oh, and did I add that Barbie stories and the like are so yours?

But, the danger here is that many (especially, but not restricted, to those who haven't had a moral or spiritual transformation or standard) in this category are more prone to reading unhealthy stuff like erotic book, porn novels and mature novels where all the scenes contain graphics descriptions of sex.

Because of this they build up unrealistic ideas in their head and expect their (current or would be) spouse to meet up to the standards they've read of in these romance novels.

The pros to this class of reader is that since true love is actually a real thing, this category enjoy the fictional experience of a real thing and are more likely to find true love (in a book, ha ha).

This class is more open to the female species. But seriously, if there's a guy you know in this category, I'd love to meet him and (whispers) ask him if he's the prince charming.

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