Tom and Jerry

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Tom and Jerry. The classic funny cartoon. Though personally, I think there's more violence there than funny scenes.
I mean, all Jerry does is to annoy Tom to the point of Tom losing his mind.

Ha ha ha. That was so funny.

Em. That was dry.

So the Tom and Jerry kind of reader is the one that reads books that make one laugh their guts out.

I once saw a movie where this guy was reading a book and he laughed so hard that he actually ruptured his stomach and had to be taken to the hospital.

Ouch. So much for fun.

They are the bubbly sanguines.

They deliberately read stuff to extract the puns and sly jokes there so that they can use them in real life.

I think these are the pros that come up with all those hilarious memes and skits that leave you wondering how on earth the human mind was able to come up with something like that.

You guys are great, so long as you don't rupture your stomach or splatter rubbish, foul language or dry clichés around.

If you're a Tom and Jerry type of reader, give yourself a thumbs up. I'm rooting for you.

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