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"nardo im literally going to drop dead" Cartier called nardo's phone crying

"jae dead or sun what you crying like that for?"

"God forbid. no jaes fine" she mugged

"oh my bad" he laughed but she wasn't playing she was literally debating her whole life decisions

"nardo im pregnant with kemari's baby" nardo jae dropped

"I'm a whole uncle yurrrrrrrr" nardo was so happy for them

"nardo me and kemari have been together seven months" she cried

"Imma come see you send me the addy" she ended the call and sent her new address to him. jae walked in on his mother crying

"momma why you crying?" she quickly wiped her tears and smiled

"im okay stink im fine" she said picking him up and putting him on her lap

"no you're not. you can talk to me like how I talk to you we best friends right?" he smiled at her making her laugh

every time there were moments like this is what makes her wake up every day, smile and laugh

"ok it's a secret you can't tell anyone not even grandpa" she held her pinky out and he interlocked his

"momma has a baby in her belly but she's scared of what the daddy of the baby is gonna say"

"who's the daddy of the baby?" he asked watching her laugh

"it's seven stink" jae covered his mouth in shock. she couldn't stop laughing because he was so dramatic

"so I have a sibling?" he asked and she nodded in response

"hi im your brother" he whispered to her stomach. Cartier felt her eyes become teary

"awww stink" she smiled before kissing his forehead. She knew how much he wanted a sibling to look after just because he wanted to do what his mother did with him

"let's call and tell seven he will be so happy" he jumped off her and went to get her phone

"how do you know?" she asked taking her phone out of his hands

"because he said he loves you" Cartier was shocked because she didn't know about that

"did he?" jae wasn't lying when m seven came over and Cartier was sleep they had a conversation about her

"yes" nardo knocked on the door and she unlocked it from her phone letting him in

"IM IN HERE" she shouted and he walked into her closet

"wassup lil sis" he hugged her before sitting across from her

"hi nardo" jae high fived him

"wassup buddy" he laughed

"stink why don't you go and play with your toys okay?" jae kissed her cheek before running out her closet to his room

"nardo what do I do?" Her legs bounced as anxiety was the only feeling she felt

"it's his birthday tell him he finna be happy about it" nardo knew how much he loved Cartier

"im scared what if he isn't?" nardo pulled his phone out to show her a text message seven sent him two weeks ago which read...

Nardo I think I'm in love fr no gay shit. jaela love me different from any other bitch. she make sure I'm good even when she not. She always make sure I got her to talk to bro.

nardo if I don't marry her and start a family with her I promise you they'll be no one after her. I love her so much

nardo I was drunk pretend I didn't say that gay ass shit

"nardo he was drunk" she laughed but she knew he meant it. She handed his phone back

"but he meant it he only tell the truth when he drunk" nardo messed with her bags

"C WHERE YOU AT?" she heard sevens voice and she panicked

"happy birthday" jae handed him a gift bag making kemari smile. ever since he been with Cartier he treated jae like that was his own son

kemari opened the bag and saw a card and a toy car

"damn lil man thank you" seven laughed and hugged him. He appreciated the fact he gave him one of his favourite toy cats which was a white Ferrari

"you're welcome"he smiled. They walked into her closet and saw nardo wearing her sunglasses and holding her chanel bag

"happy birthday" both her and nardo said to him

"thank you" he laughed hard at nardo. seven sat down with Cartier and kissed her but noticed her energy was off

"what happened?" he said lowly to her and she shrugged before looking at nardo who was mouthing to her to tell him

"actually I have something to tell you" she turned to him. his face was filled with confusion

"im pregnant" she said before turning her face away scared of how he will react. kemari turned to nardo looking for confirmation which he received

"nah you're lying let me see the test" he stood up and put his hands on his waist with a smile. he couldn't believe it

Cartier got up and went into tf he bathroom and grabbed the seven pregnancy tests she took

"im pregnant nigga" she laughed as he examined the tests

he held his arms open and she hugged him

"Imma cry just not infront of you"he laughed. he couldn't stop smiling

"kemari you can" she wiped her eyes on his shirt. he was so excited to be a dad

they knew eachother for two years got together seven months ago just to give you guys a background- bigdaddyarmarni

"jae you got a lil brother or sister coming" kemari and jae began dancing making nardo laugh

nardo saw the bond kemari and jae had. It was like a son he never. jae started seeing him as a father figure


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