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"C I got drunk and did something" Cartier snapped her neck towards him

"I swear if you cheated on me Imma put my foot up yo ass no joke" she said with no type of hesitation making kemari laugh

"I ain't cheat bruh. Cheating on you is crazy but when you pregnant with my kid that's even crazier" he said making her nod

"I don't regret it but I know it was dumb" kemari lifted his shirt up and she saw a tattoo he copied from her

it was a feather. she had a feather under her boob which he now had on his collar bone

"bae wtf is wrong with you why would you do that?" she said with a huge smile on her face

she got a feather for when she stopped feeling bad for herself. she stopped going to therapy she finally started feeling worthy of herself

he loved the story behind that specific tat

"You smiling a little too much" he laughed at her rubbing he finger over it gently.

"we ain't even been together for a year yet? you must love me love me" she got her phone and recorded his tat before showing hers

"say hey twin" she laughed seeing him mug. he pulled her close and onto the bed ready to sleep

"I love you baby" he said in her ear

"I love you too kemari" kemari had been having a vision and normally when he had visions they would end up happening

and it involved jae and it wasn't good .


"make sure you tell me everything that happens kemari" kemari had to take jae to the meeting about the girls fighting because Cartier had work

"I got you babyy don't worry" they said thier goodbyes before jae and kemari walked into the office

they sat around the table and kemari waited for them to speak

"aren't you going to get your son to apologise for causing this fight?" a mother said making kemari mug

"nah its y'all daughters that are too fast. my son ain't do nun" jae smiled hearing kemari call him his son. jae felt as if he was his father figure

"you saying my daughter a hoe?" the other mother stepped in raising her voice

"your words not mine" he shrugged because hoe never came from his mouth if that's how they interpreted it then that was their problem

"so you're not going to do anything about this?" the teacher sat their with a shrug. she stood by what she told Carter she saw jae as the innocent one in the situation

"jae isn't the problem here" the teacher stood up calling a end to this pointless meeting

"Imma take jae to his appointment he'll be in school tomorrow"'kemari said getting ready to leave

"yea appointment" they were both lying about the appointment he wanted to take jae out for the day and chill since he had nothing to do

they both left the school and went to get some food as they sat in the car and ate jae asked him a question

"are you going to be my dad? I don't understand what momma was telling me before" he said eating his fries

"when me and yo momma get married then I'll be your dad" jae nodded and put his thumbs up to show he understood

"but you're not my real dad?"seven shook his head.

"if you be my dad I would like it. Will you like me as a son?" Jae asked and seven smiled. Seven felt as if he had a family of his own

he saw himself through jae a lot

"yea of course who am I going to ride cars with?" seven laughed.There was a knock on his window and he rolled it down seeing Cartier

"what my stink doing with you instead of school?" He didn't know she was going to be here and they was going to get away with it

"we was just chilling" he opened his door letting her get closer to him and give him a hug

"momma you want a chicken wing?" jae waved a chicken wing reached his arm out to her and she took it

"thank you stink"


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