ch. 15 - a formal reunion

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*a week later (still Monday)*

Mandy still hadn't talked to Hunter. But on the other hand, she made things official with Dominic and started dating him. She liked Dom, but really wished that she didn't constantly feel like she was using him as a distraction.

One morning, Mandy was at her locker. Dominic came over to her with a little creme-colored box and a big smile.

Dominic: "This is for you."

Mandy: "What is it?"

Dominic: "Well how about you open it and find out"

They both laughed as Mandy began to open the small box. After removing the bow and lid, it revealed a cute yellow bracelet. It was made from thread, and had a little heart dangling from it, with the letter D inside.

Mandy looked up at Dominic and noticed he was looking over his shoulder.

Mandy: "This so so cute, thank yo-"

He crashed his strong lips into hers.

Mandy was thrown off, but kissed back. She felt her face getting a little heated. It was their first kiss. After a couple seconds, Dominic pulled back.

Dominic: "I've been wanting to do that since I met you." *he smiled and took the bracelet from Mandy*

He tied it around Mandy's left wrist, making sure to be gentle with his huge hands.

Mandy: "I love it, thank you. *she reached up and kissed him again* I just feel bad I didn't get you anything!"

Dominic: "No worries, you can buy me a matcha latte when we go to the cafe again."

She laughed and hugged Dominic, and they started to walk off to class together. But that's when she saw Hunter, who witnessed the whole thing.

That's why Dominic turned his head.

Mandy's expression went blank as they kept walking. So many questions ran through her brain: Is Hunter the reason that Dominic kissed her? Is Dominic dating Mandy out of spite? Are there underlying intentions from that bracelet?? Why did she even still care about Hunter?!

*later at home*

Mandy's Mom: "Hey honey! You won't believe who I ran into at the grocery store today! Guess who!"

Mandy: "We don't know anyone here... who?"

Mandy's Mom: "Mr. and Mrs. Reyes! Remember them? And their son Hunter?! From your old MMA class!"

Mandy: "You did???"

Mandy's Mom: "Yes! And we got to talking, and we found out you two go to the same school! They said Hunter hasn't seen you, but have you seen him around at all?"

Mandy: "Uh- no I had.. no idea"

Mandy's Mom: "How crazy. Well, you'll get to see him soon, because we're all going to have dinner together this Wednesday!"

Mandy: "HUH?"

Mandy's Mom: "Yes!' It will be here; our first time hosting a dinner party!"

Mandy: "Um.. wow. That's interesting"

Mandy's Mom: "It is! Anyways, wear something nice. And straighten up your room for when they come!"

Mandy: "My room?! He's gonna go in my room??" 

Mandy's Mom: "Well they might, just incase we give a tour of the new house... okay I have to run some errands but I love you, and will see you later!" 

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