ch. 16 - feuds and photos

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Mandy grew nervous. She had no idea what they were gonna do while their parents got drunk and woozy. 

Nevertheless, she led Hunter up the stairs and to her room. Luckily, her new room wasn't decked out with decorations from middle school, which was how her room at the old house was. The walls were a grayish-white. She had her desk on one wall, and her bed on the opposing wall. The bed had a white comforter blanket on it, with 2 light blue accent pillows and a panda stuffed animal... the only one she forgot to hide. 

Mandy: "Um, here's my room"

Hunter looked around and examined it. 

Hunter: "Neat."

They both took a seat next to each other on her bed, still making sure to keep distance. There was a lot of silence. Hunter turned, and saw the panda on the bed. Mandy noticed and her eyes widened. 

Mandy: "Oh shoot that must be um-"

Hunter: "I remember how much you loved pandas... *he grabbed it and inspected it* I would always send you those panda gifs on iMessage.... *he laughed to himself a little* I called you 'Amanda Panda'..."

Mandy remembered that. It was one of the things she admired about him: how he always remembered little things about her. So, she decided to bring up one of the "little things" about him. 

Mandy: "So are we gonna talk about it or not?"

Hunter: "About...what?"

Mandy: "I- *she started getting a little mad* Cassie?! What was that about?? You just kiss me, say you like me, and then move on the next week? Is that like a little habit of yours or something?"

Hunter: "No, I- it's just-"

Mandy: "NO, that's not fair. I was so prepared to start something with this. You know how easily you persuade me. Seeing you with that girl crushed me. Why did you do it?"

Hunter: "I just- well, I got nervous. I hadn't heard from you over the weekend, and I thought that you'd never go for me... and I figured that Dominic guy had won you over, which he did from what I've seen this week."

Mandy: "Geez, why'd you have to assume things before knew the whole story? I was ready to end things with him. For you. But I know that he wouldn't abandon and betray me like that... so, yes I went with him." *Hunter looked away*

Hunter: "Look I don't want things to be like this between us."

Mandy: "I don't either... *she began to cool down* but we can't be anything more than friends... it just won't work... What do you say, can we just... be friends?"

Hunter: "Yeah, I'd like that. Just like how it was in MMA."

They both let out a sigh. The tension in the room dropped, and their casual friendship had started. Hunter looked at Mandy's wrist. 

Hunter: "Is this the little thing Dominic got you?"

Mandy: "Yes"

Hunter: "How was that smooch the other day?"

Mandy: "Hunter..."

Hunter: "I'm just asking! If I was forced to witness it, aren't I entitled to ask any harmless questions?"

Mandy: "I didn't know you were there.... but honestly, I think you're the reason he kissed me."

Hunter: "I know..."

Mandy: "Huh?? What do you mean "you know"? Is there something more between you two? I asked Dom, but I don't think he's giving me the whole story."

Hunter: "Well he pretty much betrayed me during sophomore year. I was new and he befriended me. But then he won the election for class president, and got in with the popular ASB crowd. I wasn't necessarily "popular" material, so he spread rumors about me so that I would stop lugging onto him. But I also think he knows that we are connected somehow..."

Mandy: "Oh my gosh, I had no idea. He worded it differently. I'm sorry."

Hunter: "That's why I don't think he's good for you. He has underlying intentions."

Mandy: "I thought that too, but I don't know... he seems to like me, and he bought me this bracelet."

Hunter: "Yeah cause he's possessive"

Mandy: "I wouldn't call it possessive... anyways, let's change the subject" *it was silent again for a minute*

Hunter: "You know what I miss?"

Mandy: "What?"

Hunter: "I miss being in MMA class. I miss the graduations we had, and the friendships."

Mandy: "Me too, life was so much simpler back then."

Hunter: "I know... I wish we could revisit those times."

Mandy thought to herself for a second, thinking of an idea. 

Mandy: "I know what we can do."

Hunter: "Huh?"

Mandy got up and reached out for his hand. He looked at it, perplexed, and took it. She pulled him up and led him out of her room and into another room. It was her dad's office. She brought up a second chair, next to his desk chair and sat in it. Hunter sat in the other. Mandy started to search and scan the computer. 

Hunter: "What are we doing here?"

Mandy: "My dad always documented everything from MMA, and he has endless files of pictures and videos from classes and graduation. You said you wanted to revisit it, so this is the best we can do."

He smiled and watched as she browsed through her dad's photo files. 

Mandy finally found them. She opened it on the large screen and started clicking through the photos, taking a pause at each one, examining who's in it and what was going on. The first folder was from a belt graduation. 

Hunter: *coming across a big group photo* "Oh there's Kat and Jake! Remember them?"

Mandy: "How could I forget? They were our best friends. Haha, remember how Kat always boxed and grappled like a literal cat?" 

Hunter: "Haha, yea I think she scratched me one too many times."

They burst out laughing. Mandy clicked through another photo. It was a shot of Mandy and a boy named Ethan. He was a little newer to their tight group back then, but Mandy had always included him. They had a little... history. Ethan liked her, and Mandy liked him too, but didn't realize it because she was focused on Hunter. 

Hunter: "Oh, well well well... look who it is."

Mandy: "Man, I forgot about him."

Hunter: "No you didn't"

Mandy: "I did!"

Hunter: "I always knew you two had some kinda thing going on."

Mandy: "Please, you were oblivious to it."

Hunter: "I observe more than you think. And you didn't realize it... but he really liked you."

Mandy looked at him and gave a puzzled, but playful expression. She clicked through another photo. They both stared at it and smiled. 

Hunter: "I remember when we took this"

It was a photo of the two of them. Mandy was on the right, and Hunter on the left. Hunter had his arm wrapped around Mandy's back. She remembered that moment so vividly because it was the first picture they'd ever taken together. He had come up to her, saying he was excited because he was being promoted to the advanced class with Mandy (which she was already in before him).

Mandy: "Yeah, my mom took this one. I remember her running around to get a photo of me and you."

Hunter: "Haha yeah... wow. We were like 11 here, right?"

Mandy: "You were; I was 10."

Both: "Time flies" (they said it simultaneously)

They both laughed and Mandy turned off the computer. Hunter and his family left soon afterwards. 

It was a good way to end their night. 

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