Intro, Notes, & abt me

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I haven't written anything like this before, but some of my sexual encounters are definitely Wattpad worthy lol. Some of these were a long time ago but I'm gonna do my best to keep them 100% accurate for the full effect. I'm gonna change certain names but I'll probably leave some the same. I'm not sure how interested y'all will be in the backstories and like the buildup, so I'll keep it toned down. If anybody actually reads this PLEASE give feedback on my stories.

Here's some IMPORTANT NOTES: if the story has a * that means it has sex in it, if it has no * then it is like the backstory to that person. I'll probably break it up into two parts per encounter, the first part being the backstory such as how I met them, how I felt going to meet up with them, etc; the second part being the actual sex.

About me: I'm 17, as I'm writing this it's the summer before I go into senior year. My bc is 5 but I might not write abt all of them.

I have a question, if anybody is actually reading this, would y'all want me to like romanticize some of the encounters I didn't like? Like for example my first time wasn't the greatest, but if I kinda relish some details y'all would might like to read it. Idk lmao

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