Where it all started/ Cade pt 1

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Ever since I knew what sex was, I was fascinated. I was never scared or nervous to have sex, I was only shy for guys to see my body. I've never been fully confident in my body, but I've always had guys make positive comments on my body. Even when I hated it the most.

It all started in 9th grade. I was about 5'4 and I weighed 150 pounds. I hated the way I looked, I always tried to loose weight but it never worked. There was only one thing I liked about my body: my ass. Guys would always grab it in the hall which was kinda frustrating, but it did make me feel a bit better about myself in some strange way. Guys loved my ass, it sounds crazy but that year I had like a minimum of 10 guys harass me for booty pics. The annoying ones got blocked, guys that made me feel good about myself didn't get blocked. There was one guy in particular...

Cade, from the moment I saw him I thought he was the hottest guy on the planet.

For one semester of ninth grade I was a library aid fourth block. I would mostly just sit around or shelf books so it was really nice to have a free period. Mrs Jamie was the librarian and she was pretty cool. She wasn't one of the ones to force you to be quiet. She always talked about wanting the library to be a "fun environment" the library wasn't fun, but it was more fun than being in class so. 

Cade was on the soccer team, which practiced during fourth block. Him and a few other teammates would get to skip practice on Friday's towards the end of the season, and for some reason they would come into the library to hangout. This is when I got to know Cade, he was really funny and cute and I barely could function around him.

I had heard some things about him, people said he was a man whore, but I really didn't care. I knew what I was getting myself into. Every time he would come into the library to hangout I wanted to ask him for his snap, but I just couldn't get the courage. First semester ended and I beat myself up for never getting his snap.  I didn't think I'd ever have another opportunity since I wasn't a library aid anymore.

But then over Christmas break his birthday came around, and people posted him on snap with his username! I had never added somebody so fast. And he added me back pretty quickly and immediately texted me. After that we would snap everyday, and every now and then he would call me cute. I would loose my mind. I had the biggest crush on him. We would snap all day everyday for months. However at some point he got a girlfriend. I was pretty upset for a while, because it was out of nowhere, but I got over it. Pretty soon Covid hit, and I'm not sure what happened to his girlfriend but they broke up. Regardless of what happened, we started snapping again.  We snapped for a few months pretty innocently, and then 10th grade started.

One night I was just laying in bed and he snapped me. He looked high and all it said was "booty pics?" I scoffed. Most of the time this would bother me, but with him I didn't really care. Without having to be asked twice I sent a photo of me sitting on the sink. He immediately opened it and responded with "DAMN" and it was a photo of him in the mirror. I couldn't help but to notice his abs.

This became a nightly routine after a while. All day we would snap eachother, and then at some point during the night he'd send a photo of his abs, and then I would send a photo of me in the mirror. We would slowly undress, picture by picture, and he would tell me all the things he wanted to do to me.

In the beginning of us snapping, I would kinda cover my face, but every time I did, he would say exactly this:

"babygirl, your beautiful" 

It made me melt every time, it was just his way of saying I didn't need to hide my face. He liked looking at my face, and I was insecure so this made me feel so good. Especially coming from the man of my dreams.

The more this went on,  the more he told me what he wanted to do to me. I figured it was all hypothetical but I was wrong.

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