Chapter 14

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"Please, tell me you've found something," I ask the guard as they return from the latest, and most likely the last search. The guard tells me the usual, and my shoulders fall, disappointed and weighed down by worry. I could take this information two ways; the first is that she could still be alive, and the second is that she could be high above us. As always, it is easier to visualize the second.

"Are you sure you found nothing? How far out did you go?"

The guard looks down at me, pitying my desperation. "We went out farther than the last time and saw nothing but forest. I'm sorry, Luna."

"Where is Sebastian?"

Heading in the guard's direction, I find my mate close by talking with Andrew. He notices me, most likely seeing the depression in my expression and movements, so he must know that she was not found. "Nothing, again," I tell them. "The guards went even further this time."

"Evangeline I—"

Knowing what he is going to say, I interrupt him. "No, it's alright. They have been searching for days, almost two weeks. I should have seen this coming after the first."

These last two weeks felt more like two months. Though I am able to combat the dreams, my thoughts are littered with the Alpha and what he has done to her. None of them are pleasant, most of them leave me trembling. It is during times like these when I wish I had more control over my mind. Throughout these weeks I have managed to distract myself a couple of times, one of them being with Fiona. She came over to the house, and we talked more about the city, which is something she is very familiar with. Henry would have loved to join the conversation, yet he was off with Bruiser.

After a while, we switched to the topic of my grandmother, which I wanted to avoid at first, but once the words left me, it felt good to get it all off my chest. Not only is Fiona skilled at conversing, but she is a keen listener as well. She did not tell me that my grandmother is going to be okay, and she did not tell me that she is probably dead. Fiona simply listened. It was a difficult conversation to have without Fiona knowing about the Alpha and all the details, but she did not seem to mind.

A few days later I spent a lot of time with Marina, who is a fascinating person now that I have taken the time to get to know her. She has been a part of the Tate Pack for as long as she has lived, which intrigued me. Answering my questions, Marina explained how she lost her father during an attack, he was a guard and died as a result of Alpha Tate wanting to be the strongest pack in history. This was Sebastian's grandfather, which explains the result of his father. "I was angry with the Alpha, I wanted him dead," she told me. "My father died because of that man's selfish decisions, and being around your age, I thought I couldn't do anything about it. So I didn't. I was stronger than I thought, and it fulfills me to know that you see the power in yourself. I hear things you know, and I may not know everything, but whatever is tormenting you; I know you can handle it."

Her words had a great effect on me. After that day, I felt more confident, more determined to fix everything. My grandmother's disappearance has created another mountain on my path, but I cannot let her down by losing myself trying to make my way around it. There is a chance that one right move will trigger a chain reaction.

Towards the end of this two week period, I had taken Sebastian's advice and thought before acting upon my ideas. My greatest desire is to stop this Alpha, end his obsession and strive to pin my grandmother, my mother, and I down. The only problem is, I have no clue how I am going to achieve this. He is always watching, but I can never catch him, I can never see him. Guards have been searching the forest, and the only result of it was a spooked man and a dead one. The guard who got away did not supply us with any helpful descriptions, even if it was the Alpha or not, remembering my theory that people may be helping him is vital.

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