120 : Chloe's Confession

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The table was conquered by Silence. But it was not brought by Keith’s magic. The prince was just struggling to find the words to respond.

‘Lady Chloe, did I… just mishear that? Do you mean that you’re a descendant of the House Moon?’

‘Oh, that reminds me, mother’s house was House Moonlight. It bears a resemblance, doesn’t it? I see… but you did not mishear me, sir. I am Yolda Moon’s reincarnation.’

The prince couldn’t sense the ploy to deceive from the lady’s words. Sensing that it was not a moment that could be flushed with a joke, he could only caress his temples.

‘You know what, Lady Chloe. That cannot be used as an excuse, whether that’s true or not. The doctrine of the church does not include reincarnations. Even I am barely accepting these kinds of talks on the precedence of all of you ladies being formerly from another world…

Besides, wasn’t Yolda the one who made contact with Momo and guided her towards the crystal that she had been sealed in? That’s what my brother said.’

‘That was just an empty vessel, sir. It is likely that Miss Momo only based the details of turning into a witch from her game knowledge, that the internal voice in the game was that of Yolda. Although the Yolda voice that called upon Chloe in the game was her own anyway, so I guess she was not totally mistaken.

…Also, I don’t know if I should say this but…’

Chloe began to lower the volume of her voice. Although it was meaningless because of the sacred magic, silent, it was because she judged the gravity of what she’s about to say.

‘The one who made Yolda reincarnate into Chloe was, the first saintess, herself; Cherry Blossom.’

To be more precise, She sent Yolda’s soul to the other world and had her live her life as a Japanese, and was also responsible for taking her soul back to reincarnate here, or so Chloe explained.

It was a revelation that could overturn the entire doctrine of the Sacred Church, something Keith regretted learning about. Of all people, the ancestor of the royal family, the saintess, and savior of the kingdom, was the one responsible for reincarnating the witch that she sealed herself. If he was to be honest, this is not a matter that he should be shouldering alone. He wanted to consult Canaria about it, but while she is his fiancée, she is still considered an outsider at the moment, so the crown prince was at a loss as to what he should do.

‘Please be assured, sir. There’s no way that the Holy Saintess will send someone dangerous at large, won’t she? She only told me a fragment of everything. As expected, a mix of three personalities of different lives would make my head burst after all.’

‘Why did Saintess, The First, do such a thing?’

‘According to Cherry, she wanted to start things all over again. The two of them were best friends and good love rivals from the start. Cherry herself had always regretted what they had become. That’s why in order to give Yolda salvation, and a chance to redeem herself, she sent ‘Beloved Child’, Momo, as a representation of herself.

Her miscalculation was pulling by pulling a soul from another world, several more would be taken along. As well as how the various future probabilities of this world exist as a game.’

Chloe calls the first saintess ‘Cherry’, but for some reason, it didn’t feel blasphemous to the prince. He felt as though the lady was referring to her old friend. She said that she does not have memories of her but, Keith thought that perhaps Yolda and Chloe are truly one of the same.

‘That’s who Canaria and Momo had their past life memories then? Don’t you… resent her for acting selfishly on her own?’

‘It is selfish as you said, but as for grudges, the royal family and the sacred church are more to blame. But that’s for Yolda to consider. I am Chloe Sereknight, after all.’

Chloe chose not to talk about the truths hidden under the sacred legend, but histories just repeat themselves. Keith can form conjectures based on that.

Chloe brought down the cup she was drinking back to its saucer plate. Her gaze began to probe the prince.

‘Back on the topic, sir. If you reveal that I am Yolda Moon…’

‘Yeah, there would be no mistake. On top of being treated like a crazy woman, you’ll be locked up. In the first place, there would be a doubt as to why the Sacred Church’s doctrine does not include having past lives? This is considering that its very first saintess had the capability to do so, you know? It is very likely that the church fears the influential power of someone claiming to be Yolda’s reincarnation appearing the most. Going out of your way to reveal is too dangerous. Just when the kingdom finally started accepting your atonement.’


Chloe’s head sinks to the table, stirring up her short hair in frustration. Keith noticed how different she was now compared to how she was back in the capital. It is likely that even though she didn’t have her memories, the first saintess telling her about the truth of ancient times may not change her personality but has affected her disposition.

Chloe’s intention to reveal her true identity was to make Momo’s rampage, a legitimate act of sealing a witch, hence reducing the gravity of her crimes.

‘Why would you go so far to save Lady Momo? Sense of camaraderie to fellow reincarnator? Or was it feelings of attachment to the game’s heroine? Nobody will condemn you for abandoning her, you know?’

‘There’s also those but… if something happens to Momo, Locke will come to save her. If that happens the two will hide their whereabouts, right?’

Chloe’s reply while averting her eyes had sent the stupefied prince in a fit of laughter.

‘Ahahahahahaha, well you wouldn’t like that, won’t you? I see, so it would be better if you’re the one who saved her instead.’

‘Muu… is that bad?’

‘Isn’t that fine? If that’s what you really want. Pupu… Brother is in quite a predicament, isn’t he?’

Chloe inclined her head to the sudden mention of Leddorio’s name but Keith didn’t pay her any mind and suppressed his laughter.

‘Whichever the case, I’m grateful to you for sealing the witch and protecting the kingdom from harm. As the crown prince, I want to answer to your wish as much as I can.’

Chloe’s eyes opened wide. After saying this much, Keith expects that the Lady would no longer wish for any kind of destruction to the royal family. Did he go this far because the lady was a reincarnator like his fiancee? No, he was merciless towards, Momo.

‘At the very least, I now understand that you’re not my enemy after all.’

‘…It may be too early to decide that, sir. If you’re going that far, then there’s something I want to ask you too.

Prince Yello, just what is your aim? Is it something that you will not achieve without the seat of the crown prince? From the way I see it, it felt as though you purposely allowed Lady Momo to do things freely and even incited her to become a witch.’

The prince responded to her vigilant gaze with a chuckle, as he raised his cup from its saucer.

‘You do have the right to know, I guess. Sure, I’ll tell you my circumstances. After that, I want you to decide what you want to do.

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