128 : Yello Keith Coloflare Part 8 - Before The Game Starts

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And so on my 12th birthday, the gift that came from Canaria was a yellow-colored dragon. The populace who saw a dragon for the very first time in their lives clamored throughout the country, and it became a popular topic for a long time.

…Yeah, Canaria really got me beat for this one. Well, I did say that I liked dragons, but I sure didn’t expect that a well-trained dragon would just suddenly pop out as a gift for my birthday. I wanted to give her at least a kiss or so in order to show my appreciation, but much like before, she couldn’t attend this time either. Apparently, she caught cold after accompanying Countess Glinda to the sacred lake in order to pray for a baby.

[I had him trained everyday to ensure that he will listen to Sir Keith. Please give him an adorable name, sir.]

I do not know what kind of training the dragon received, but it does behave well when I pat its head and give it food. However, any other caretaker would still need to use ‘Red Dragon’s Bracelet.’ I guess I would need to put up a quest in the guild to secure some spares.

‘I already knew what kind of gift I will give Canaria to her next birthday after seeing you. ‘Citrin,’ that will be your name.’

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One day, my brother and I were summoned to the throne room to be entrusted national treasures by our father. We both already have our fiancées, not to mention, my brother is also about to attend the royal academy, so it is meant to signify our positions as candidates to the throne. I was to receive one as well because there was no concrete declaration for the crown prince yet, but if brother is able to get through with his education smoothly, he’ll be declared the crown prince.

We were presented several of the kingdom’s national treasures and were told to pick the one we like. My father picked a choker during his time. Brother picked a forehead ornament with a green jewel in the middle, dazzling like a third eye. It was apparently called ‘Child Dragon’s Eye.’

I was at loss what to pick but before long decided on a red-jeweled hair ornament. This item called ‘Elf’s Precious Jewel’ was apparently the item that I picked in the game that Canaria played, so I thought of picking something different to see what would happen but after hearing about its effect, I decided to pick it anyway.

After having entrusted our respective national treasures, we were to attend a castle conference next. Royalties are treated as adult much earlier even than aristocrats. We were likely made to attend the conference to get a feel of the politics and see what kind of policies we could come up with.

After observing the conference, I was asked for my piece, so I told them everything that happened in the harbour, from how a drug-dependent patient(though I told them that he died,) of the empire came to our country looking for Himemomobana, about the manufacturing of magic drugs in other countries, and lastly, how the cultivation and exportation of plant should be regulated.

Their reactions were quite mixed. Himemomobana is a popular plant among the commoners, more particularly used in cooking, and there were a lot of opposition stating that we cannot afford to have their livelihood wither away like that.

On the other hand, amongst those who supported my idea, minister-to-the-right, the leader of first prince faction, was quite unexpected. He said that an essential oil made of the plant was regulated before for having a strong fascination effect. I did not know that. Although the plant doesn’t have much of an effect when readily eaten fresh, it can have various effects depending on how its processed. I guess rather than just simply banning it outright, we must first consider a prohibition’s ramifications on all sides.

‘You’ve been zealously working hard rather lately, aren’t you?’

After the conference, I was walking the hallways when my brother’s voice made me halt. He was seldom the first one to strike a conversation so it surprised me.

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