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There was a chill in the air and the pleasant waft of coffee entered my nose as I opened the door to the shop. Clara- my work mate - perked up her head from her phone when she heard the light bell jingle of the door opening. She stiffened up and put on her customer-friendly smile, before dropping it when she realized it was just me. She breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, "Thank god, I thought you'd never come." She said, with a small smile. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. There was an accident on the way here." I said, waving behind me for emphasis.

The coffee shop was small and quaint. The shop was located in a busy area of town, making the mornings very hectic, but normally in the evenings and at night, it tends to be deserted. I walked over to the counter, lifting the small bar that was separating the seating area from the back of the counter. She started to take off her apron, "It's fine," She said, "There wasn't a lot of people coming in, so I got to relax for a bit.". I hummed in acknowledgment and entered the back room to put on my apron with Clara on my tail.

"Okay, so you know what to do right?" She said, as I grabbed the apron off the rack and wrapped it around my neck and waist. "Of course, it's just like normal, except it's night. No big deal." I said and turned towards her. "Okay, good." She said and put her own apron on the rack. "You nervous at all?" She said curiously. I lifted a brow, "No, why would I be?" I said confused, "Well, I remember on my first night shift I was shitting bullets, and you are a newbie after all." She responded. I gave her my best reassuring smile, "I know I'll be fine, I doubt there will be anyone coming in." I said calmly, "Ya'know, on the ride here this town practically looked abandoned. There wasn't a soul in sight." I exclaimed, and she nodded. "Yup, this town goes quiet at night. It'd be peaceful if it wasn't borderline creepy."

She turned towards the door and pushed it open, and held it open for me to exit. I said a small 'Thank you' and closed the door behind me. I made my way to the counter, as she made her way to the exit of the coffee shop. "Thanks again for taking my place for the night shift, you're a peach." She said with a small smile, "It's seriously no problem."

I responded. She extended her arm out, about to open the exit door before pausing and turning back towards me. "Oh! Remember to not be afraid to cast out any creeps that come. I once made the mistake of brushing it off, it always comes to bite you in the ass." I let out a small smile," I know, I know." I said and she smiled back at me. "And remember that we close at 3 am." She added, and I rolled my eyes. "I know that." I said, " Now, shoo shoo. Go do that project you should be working on." She let out a chuckle, " Alright, alright. See you tomorrow!" And with a wave, she was gone.

It almost immediately felt lonely without her bubbly presence around. I couldn't help but wonder how I got here, I mean, I've only been working here for a month and I'm already getting the night shift! I sighed, I guess it's easy to dump stuff on the new guys. I grimaced, as memories of getting things blamed on me that I didn't do flashed through my head. God, Trevor was an asshole.

I shook my head and turned my attention to wiping the counter, knowing that she probably wiped them before she left but still doing it anyway. Doesn't hurt to be thorough. The only sound filling the space was the light lofi jazz coming through the speakers that were planted in the ceiling and the sound of the rough rag rubbing against the marble counter. The music added a cozy vibe to the place, and the scent of coffee beans felt comforting.

I sighed and relaxed a little, quickly realizing I was becoming bored with such little to do other than mundane tasks. Ugh, waiting for customers is so boring! Especially with the 'no phones during work hours' rule. But the boss wasn't here now, so what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through Insta and TikTok waiting for customers as the hours passed.

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now