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You had no idea how long you'd been laying in bed for.

You've been lying down on the bed in Eliza's guest bedroom, staring at the wall, deep in your thoughts. Your limbs felt like jello every time you tried to move.

You didn't realize how much of a mental toll this had taken on you until now.

Eliza had come into the room multiple times to check on you. She had not a clue of what was going on, and you were so close to just telling her everything, but you also didn't want to burden the knowledge of knowing this to affect her. If the murderer went after her, you would never forgive yourself. She has so much to do, so much ahead of her. You didn't want to drag her down with you.

But you seriously needed someone to talk to.

You wince as you look down at your nails that you have been subconsciously biting, seeing blood rise up from where you've bitten too far. The pain helped ground you, keeping you from your thoughts momentarily. You realized you felt confined and stuffy from being stuck under the covers for so long. Kicking the blanket off you, you stood upright. You stretched lightly, hearing your back crack satisfyingly.

You looked out the window on your left, seeing the golden rays leak through the closed curtains. You stood up, walking over to the blinds. Something in your head warned you that there could be something behind the blinds, making you hesitate. You furrowed your brows, ignoring the false warning and opening the blinds anyway. A beam of light hit you in the eyes, causing you to wince and shut them.

After getting used to the light, you opened your eyes and stared into the greenery in front of you. A beautiful garden greeted your eyes, and an enchanting forest that looked like it could go on for miles behind it. Your eyes greedily soaked up the beauty of the moment. You hummed pleasantly, feeling the sun warm your skin, basking in the moment of peace that washed over you.

Even if it was utterly gorgeous, staring into the forest for too long brought negative emotions circling back up. Suddenly feeling a nauseating sense of being watched the longer you eyed the forest. You quickly shut the blinds,  the intricate fabric almost hitting your face.

You took a deep breath before turning around and darting toward the door. I still haven't thanked Eliza for letting me stay at her house. I opened the door to my room, entering the hallway of doors. I ignored the doors, not letting my curiosity get the best of me, and went on a straight path toward the stairs. I stepped down the stairs steadily, holding the railing so I wouldn't fall down the steep steps.

Eliza's house was large for a college student, but I guess those are the benefits of coming from rich parents.

As I finished my descent down the stairs, the scent of vanilla pudding and bananas hit my nose. I took a deep breath, enjoying the lovely scent. I walked over to the kitchen to see Eliza leaning over the kitchen island, strategically placing sliced bananas on top of vanilla wafers in a large dish. Eliza looked up at me briefly, before her eyes widened and did a double-take, surprised I was up. 

"Whatcha making?" I asked, walking to her side. I curiously leaned down toward what she was making, taking a big whiff. "Just some banana pudding. It always makes me feel better, so I was hoping it's the same for you." She responded with a small smile. "Well, mission successful," I took a seat at the island, "I love banana pudding," I said, as a memory of my mom making banana pudding when I was younger popped into my head.

"Well, that's a relief. I wouldn't know what to do if you hated it." She said with a giggle. Her face slowly fell and she bit her lip, looking up to make eye contact with me. "So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" she said with a serious expression.

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ