Chapter 20

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Caspian knew it was Aurora who had bought her his tea, she balanced it well and placed it in front of him.

She let him know that his tea was served but she was already dashing out the door, and he found himself stopping her.

He did not know if he was offended or not. Maybe he could cajole her by asking her if he needed company but her answer was flat and she insisted his best friend keep him company.

He was surprised at how cold she became all of a sudden? Had something happened that put her in this mood?

Yet she was playing the role of a maid so what more did he want from her? He had asked her what is wrong and could see by her reaction that it was him.

When he had tried to get up, she had stopped him and put the boundaries of a master and a servant in place.

With that, she had left, and Caspian was left laughing, no girl had ever turned him down nor had to courage to confront him and walk out on him.

She was very strong-willed, and her stone-cold face drew him in, what was drawing him to Aurora? She was right that he could get any woman if he wanted to.

And she would be the exception.

But that made him want him more, why was she rejecting his advances even though he knew that she wanted him as well.

She seemed to be used to controlling her desires very well. He leaned back, he would have to go old fashion in seducing her.

He had to come up with events, that involved her and them being alone most of the time so he could seduce her properly.

He had to also make sure that his schedule would not clash with seeing Nadia as she was his top priority.

Caspian got up he needed to go and meet up with his parents as they liked to hear directly from him when anything happened so he went to the main hall, he found his parents seated on the throne. King George and Queen Suzanne.

She saw her mother beaming at him, and he bowed in front of them.

"No need." His father responded.

He stood back up, "Father and Mother I hope you have been well."

"We are, your presence always brightens us up." His father responded.

"Thank you father, likewise."

"How are things going with Nadia." His mother asked.

He knew that his mother would cut to the chase to the heart of the matter,

"They are going perfectly."

His dad nodded in approval and his mother seemed to be very proud, "That's what we like to hear."

Caspian knew that his mother was very fond of Nadia, as they got along even with her parents, so it would not be hard for her to control her.

"We will need a banquet to set the date of marriage." His father added.

"Yes, Nadia is lovely an emerald dress would look magnificent on her." His mother added.

When he heard emerald his mind went instantly to Aurora's eyes, must she also haunt him here too?


"Yes, I hear you mother but it's up to Nadia at the end of the day which dresses she would love to wear."

"I agree." His father remarked.

"I will chip in here and there to help her, there is no harm in doing that for my daughter-in-law. How are your studies going?" His mother asked.

"Top of the class as per usual."

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