Chapter 71

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"I want this journey to not end if only we could keep going until we have explored everything."

"That would take a lifetime and even a lifetime is not possible to explore every area."

"That is the whole point Caspian, for this journey to never end."

"I did not think of it that way."

"I have always wanted to go to different places from where I was raised, even our journey back to the palace was a thrill for me as I had not been anywhere besides where I grew up."

"Do you believe that your father might be on the lookout for you?"

"No, not all he has never acknowledged my existence and he is not about to start now. If was searching for it would be to execute me as he would have figured out that I helped you escape. I'm probably labelled a disgrace and a traitor."

"I'm sorry that you did this all to help me."

"It wasn't to only help you Caspian, it was a way out for me, to have the freedom I have always craved and to be away. I was desperate that I would have gone anywhere but stay there, I could not do it any longer."

"Well, I'm glad that we met when we met."

"It was fate that led us to meet as we were both in search of freedom from the bondages we were in."

"Fate does sure have a mysterious way when it finds one."

"How long will the rain last for?"

"Probably a few moons or so."

Days went by as it rained and he was finally glad when the rain decided to let up, they made sure that the horses were fed and they had enough of everything.

They rode for days until they came up to a small town, they would rest here a bit as he searched for Aurora to see if anyone had spotted her.

"I'm going to rest." Said Rurina.

"I am going to out for a bit."

"Where are you going?"

"To search around."

Rurina nodded, "Make it back safe then."

Caspian headed out, and he walked around looking for Aurora but he did not see any sign of her, he would stop by the market tables and describe her but no one had seen her.

He told them her name and they all shook their heads, Caspian began feeling very stressed if she was not even cited by anyone could she be here?

What if he was wrong, if she had gone this way surely they would have seen her or noticed her. He breathed out in frustration.

He knew the risks of a woman travelling alone and let alone Aurora, had something happened to her? Had she passed away, had she encountered danger along the way? Thieves or wild animals? Caspian was losing his mind, if anything had happened to Aurora he would not forgive them all.

They knew how much Aurora meant to him and they went ahead, and got rid of her. They didn't fear him enough and all that was about to change.

He had no interest in pleasing his mother nor pretending with Nadia, his rage was growing more and more.

He carried on asking the villagers but none of them responded with a tiny clue, it seemed as if she had disappeared without a trace.

When sunset arrived he made his back to their room, Rurina turned as he entered the door,

"I thought you said you wouldn't be long?"

"I was out for more than I intended for."

"Did you find what you were searching for?"

"No, it was futile."

They ate supper, Rurina was the one who spoke most of the time, he listened to her half-heartedly, when they finished he went to bed, he did not feel up to conversing much.

He was exhausted from searching the whole day and needed to rest, they would be setting out tomorrow early.

Caspian woke up when the sun was out, he had intended to wake up at dawn but fatigue got the most of him,

"When did you wake up?"

"Why did you not wake me up?"

"You needed rest Caspian, you looked very tired. There is not much point in searching if you do it when you are not at your best. You would be wasting your time."

Caspian nodded, "You're right, have you eaten?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for you to wake up."

They ate some fruits and bread, they drank the watered wine. Caspian and Rurina made their way through the village and bought some more necessities.

Caspian decided to stay one more day and they would be on their way. Dawn came and they carried on their journey.

They went through many beautiful areas and he would have stopped but he wanted to cover as much distance as he could.

The weather was on their side, and the sun gave them the warmth that they needed. By noon they arrived in a field filled with flowers, he could that Rurina wanted to walk through so they got down from their horses.

The scent of the flowers was alluring, as they led the horses through them, he could see a cabin ahead and when he got closer he could see a woman standing and leaning on the wooden frame facing away, she was looking in the distance.

Caspian could not believe his eyes when he saw that she had red shoulder-length hair, he let go of the hand holding the horse, he went closer and he was numb.

His feet dragged him, "Aurora."

She turned around and he had found his lover, his moon and stars. The reason he wanted to live, he could see her rub her eyes as she was processing his arrival.

She stood still and when he got in front of her, her eyes were wide and when he saw the lines on her face he sank to the ground in front of her.

A tear drop fell from his eye and when he felt her hand on his head, his tears came in hot and heavy.

Hey all this is the end of Book One, it's a very long novel but thank you for journeying with but you can go to my profile and see that Book Two is in the works and you can put it on your shelves on that tier -


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