Chapter 30: Win Some, Lose Some

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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟽𝚝𝚑
Parker POV

"Ready, set, hut!"

I squint against the wind that drives rain into my eyes and raise my hands as Declan snaps the football back to me.

Soaked pigskin hits my palms, and I fumble for one millisecond, digging my nails into the ball to refrain from dropping it. This fucking practice is already over its scheduled time because Greyson refuses to let us get off the hook easily in this weather.

It's like he always says: you boys should be able to play in any weather. Rain, shine, sleet, snow, I don't care. We can't be limited to one turf type, so if you're not comfortable with the weather, you better figure it out!

That's why when our offense started complaining about the flooding field, Greyson was happy to grab an umbrella from his truck for himself and the assistant coach, Snyder. Those two are as comfortable as can be, camped out on the sidelines as they watch the rest of us suffer.

Greyson could have possibly canceled practice this afternoon, but fortunately and unfortunately, there is a lot of new freshman on the team this year. The coaches are desperate to get them as trained and seasoned as soon as possible— especially since a quarter of the team is graduating from high school in the spring.

All of these new kids have already been fucking up the plays that the rest of us boys know like the back of our hands. Which, according to my Apple Watch, is what's keeping us fifteen minutes past the end of practice. The last thing I need to do is drop the goddamn ball and be forced to restart this play.

Miles is likely in the parking lot already, wondering if he should come down here to make sure Greyson hasn't killed us all.

I jog backward and let the guards do their job as they hold back the attacking defense. The turf squishes under my cleats as I spin and toss the ball over to Griffin—

"Fuck!" I curse when Scott, the freshman running back, runs right past the ball. His eyes widen behind his wire face mask as he digs his heels down, desperately trying to get back to the ball. It's way too late for that.

God damn it.

This change sucks some major ass.

Griffin might've been a cocky bastard this spring, but man, we were one well-oiled machine. For as much grief as we give each other, we almost know each other's playing styles like the back of our hands.

I rarely needed to tell Griffin the plan for the play. He always read my mind. He would've caught that ball practically before it left my hands.

"Parker Graham!" Greyson hollers over the sound of pouring rain. Somewhere behind the school, thunder rumbles. "Scott Jensen! Are you two trying to keep us out here longer?"

Scott's eyes somehow grow wider. He's still not used to Greysons bullshit. He hurries to pick the football off the ground and steps closer to me.

"I'm so sorry," he says quietly, just for me to hear. "I should've caught that."

"It's not your fault. I forget that you're not—... um. That you're new."

"Parker!" Greyson yells again, forcing me to look up. He's marching over with a dark scowl on his face. His mood matches the sky. "I asked you a question!"

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