| Ch. 34 |

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We suddenly saw a black type of plane. Su-Hyeok and I decided to tie our hands together, so I wouldn't try to bite the others.

Maybe, we can actually get the fuck out of this shit place. Finally, we're being rescued for once. The plan slowly landed as the huge fish of wind got us all.

Two of the guards got down from the plane. They aimed their guns for all of us. Then, another two workers came on down.

The plane left, and all of us took one step forward toward the two guards, "Get down. All of you, down to the ground!" One of them yelled.

We stood there still, "Sir. Please save us." Dae-su pleaded. The guards ignored him, "Get down on the ground! -Get down!" The guard yelled once again.

We all slowly got down on the ground. I was beside Su-Hyeok, as he'd hug me as if he were a bit scared. I saw Nam-ra alone beside me, "Nam-at, come over here." I whispered.

She got closer, as I put one of my arms around her, "Nine survivors confirmed." A guard told his Walkie-Talkie. They started taking the other's temperatures, as Nam-ra and I were left. The guard bent down and took my temperature.

"Temperature 34.5 degrees." The guard said. Su-Hyeok's grip on my hand became tighter in worry. I was filled with terror. Would they kill me or, not let me go on the plane?

They went to Nam-ra next, "Temperature is also 34.5 degrees." Said the guard. I could hear Nam-ra's breath get heavily on terror.

"Providing two warming blankets." The guard said. The opened two of them, as he put one on Nam-ra and one on me, "You can get up now." The guard called out.

"Are you the only survivors?" Asked the guard. No one answered except Cheong-san,  "We don't know. I'm sure there are more."

"We'll go down for a few minutes. Wait right here." The guard replied.


They started pulling Ji-min up, but right away pulled her back down. All of us stared confused. Aren't we supposed to get rescued?

"Sir, but weren't you going to rescue us-" The guard cuts me off, "We can't rescue anyone!" He yelled.
We're just students. What are we supposed to do now?

A tear slipped down my eye. We've all been waiting for this moment to be rescued, but if they won't rescue us, what now? Su-Hyeok glanced at me.

He kept staring at me with his dark brown eyes as if he were thinking about something.


I glanced at Y/N. Her beautiful eyes weren't meant to cry. Should I comfort her? Maybe not. Maybe she won't like that. Does she want to be left alone? It breaks my heart to see her cry though.

She seemed to be thinking about something too. I gave her a small smile, but it faded away after seeing more tears slipping down her soft cheeks.

I get close to Y/N and embrace her. I could her her sniffles since she was crying. She slowly stepped away from the hug and look at me with her teary eyes.

"Su-Hyeok... Do you think we'll ever be rescued?"
Y/N's shaky voice asked. I didn't know what to answer. Would we ever even be rescued? I have to give her a positive answer though..

| Y/N'S POV |

Su-Hyeok hugged me. His embrace felt safe. I continue to cry to the thought of we'll ever be rescued or not. I step away from his embrace.

I look up at him, "Su-Hyeok... Do you think we'll ever be rescued?" I say. He doesn't say anything. I sigh, "I guess you don't know either." I reply.

"Y/N- Wait-" He called out. At the moment I don't want to be next to Su-Hyeok, but we're tied together. We both stand beside Cheong-San as we all watched the jet leave us all behind. It suddenly started to rain.

Everyone looked up as the light rain became heavier. Dae-us and Wu-Jin looked up and cried. The two teenagers both layed on the ground continuing to look up at the sky and cry.

Everyone started to cry. I accept it. We won't be rescued. Like always, we'll be left behind as others get rescued. How great is that? Not so great.

I sat on the ground and I decided to take my mother's necklace off. Su-Hyeok bent down and sat next to me since we were tied together. I took the necklace into my hands. It's silvery sparkle was still there.

I smile a bit, I hope Eomma is doing well, "Can I see it?" Someone asked as they took it away from my hands, " Yah! Give it back! It's precious to me!" I holler.

I angrily stand up and turn around to face Shit Head. A test slipped down his eye. Woah, it was the first time seeing my own brother cry.

"Was it Eomma's?" His shaky voice asked. I nod as I slowly remove the necklace from his hands. I put the necklace inside my skirt pocket.

Shit Head walks away as I hear his sobs getting louder. I look at my left hand seeing the red cloth wrapped around Su-Hyeok and my wrist.

"I think we should untie it now." I said. He doesn't say anything. Silence filled between us, "We shouldn't. If we untie it and get separated, you could get hurt. I don't want that. I want you to be okay."

"Fine. I can defend myself anyways." I said.


We decided we were all finally going to escape. We planned to make it to the tennis field and make it from there to somewhere where we can stay or be safe in.

"We can't have anyone fall, so let's pair up and hold hands. To protect each other." Cheong-san announced.

Everyone started looking for a pair. Cheong-san looked over at me with a, "Let's be partners" look. I nod, as I stand up to walk towards him, but I'm tied with Su-Hyeok. I look down at my left wrist seeing the read cloth wrapped around both of our wrists.

I looked over and saw On-Jo all alone, "Go with On-Jo, Cheong-san. She needs you." I called out to him. He gives a smile of worry, but he nods.

"I guess we're partners, Su-Hyeok." I say. He looked over at me, "Y/N. Are you mad at me?" He asked. I ignored his question as I grabbed Nam-ra's hand, "You can come with us." I say giving her a small smile.

Dae-su went with Wu-jin. All of us quietly exited the rooftop, as we slowly stepped in the stairwell. I look at a wall. The wall where Gwi-nam almost choked me to death.

The memory flash through my mind, as I become a bit dizzy. I lose my balance and fall by accident. Su-Hyeok caught me in his arms as his eyes started to fill with worry.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" His worried voice asked. I nodded. He held his arm in mine as both of our hands were tightly holding onto each other.

We were halfway on the stairwell, as Dae-su was in front of me. I stepped in front of Dae-su not knowing he was stepping on my shoe lace.

I suddenly fall forward.

Pulling Su-Hyeok down with me..

A/N : End of Ch. 34 !! I'm so sorry I didn't update for like a month. I haven't been going through the best things currently. Plus, I was also sick for a week. I apologize for not updating my loves !

Creator / Credits of Story : @NamraHeartsU

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