chapter eighteen: the deep dark past that still scares me to this day

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"Mom!" Addie shouts, walking up to an older woman in the kitchen.

I stood by the archway and smiled at the two of them.

Her mom pulls away and turns her attention towards me. "Ah, and you must be Danielle!" she gushes, walking over to me.

"Hi Mrs. Costa," I greeted her.

"Oh please, call me Angie," she insists, pulling me into a hug. "I've heard so much about you,"

"Really?" I laugh, giving Addie a look.

I see her roll her eyes before she gives me a smile back. "I'm gonna go talk to dad okay?" she asks. Her mom nods at her before turning to me again.

"Here why don't you sit down," she motions to the table in front of me. "I just made some muffins, do you want one?"

"Oh no, I'm okay," I shake my head and sit down. She takes a seat in front of me and she hasn't broken eye contact for a while.

"You don't know how good it is to finally meet you. Everytime my daughter comes home it's always, Dani did this and Dani and I did that." she laughs.

"She talks about me that much?" I ask.

"All the time you wouldn't believe it," she smiles. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen her this happy over someone,"

"I'm sure I'm not the only reason why she's happy," I grinned.

"Either it's you or that boy she keeps mentioning," she shrugs.

"You mean Callum?" I tilt my head. She nods at me and smiles. "Those two are so good for each other,"

"And how can you tell that?" she asks, taking a sip of her drink.

I took a deep breath before answering. "Because I know Callum and I know he's nothing but great to her. Trust me, I hear it all the time." I put my hands under my chin and smiled.

"Well I'll take your word for it," she shrugs, standing up. "Poor daughter of mine always had boy trouble,"

"Why would you say that? She's gorgeous and it's the boys' loss," I got up as well.

"It's not the boys' fault. My daughter is one picky girl and unless you're lucky, she'll ignore you like the plague." she takes another sip of her drink before heading into the kitchen.

I followed her, interested in what she had to say. "Do you mind if I ask you why she does that?"

"I wish I could tell you," she sighed. "Listen, if you asked I'm sure she would explain, but something happened. I just wish I knew what." she sounded defeated and I wondered if I should've even asked.

"I'm sorry–" I was cut off by a loud crash in another room. I whipped my head towards the sound and walked towards it.

"Oh Cooper! You can't jump on those boxes!" Angie complained.

I saw a small golden retriever trot around the living room. It looked at me and came up to sniff my feet. "His names' Cooper?" I bent down and patted his head.

"Yep and he's a playful pup. We got him a few months ago and boy has he been a hassle," she chuckled and kneeled down. "Isn't that right Coop?"

The puppy left me and jumped over to her, giving her kisses and a few barks. I walked over to the boxes he knocked over and put them back up.

"So uh...where did Addie go?" I asked, putting up the last box.

"Her father's room, it's down the hall and to the left," she smiles, holding Cooper in her arms.

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