chapter fifty: cookies for breakfast

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Hunter's POV

Dani's cute.

And it's cute that she thinks I don't know the real reason behind these little "practice sessions."

I know it's just her cover to make out with me.

But I don't mind. Not one bit. I'm actually enjoying it.

I enjoy kissing her. I like doing it.

Funny how that's the first thing on my mind this morning. A very special morning may I add.

January 8th.

The prettiest girl in the world, in my opinion, was born. Today marked her 22nd birthday and it kind of shocked me that we're already in our early twenties.

Time flies I guess.

I just pulled out a tray of cookies from the oven and set them down on the counter. Most of them were chocolate with chocolate chips and the others were just regular chocolate chip.

Dani did love chocolate after all.

I shut the oven and took off the mitt when I saw her walk into the kitchen.

She was dressed in her pajamas from last night which included flannel pants and a tank top, with no bra may I add.

She wore her bed head so well. The flyaways framing her face were messy, but she still looked good. Always did.

She leans against the counter. "You made cookies?"

"No. I made pasta." I joke while walking towards her.

"Shut up." she scowls at me.

I laugh off the glare she gives me and throw my arms around her. "Happy birthday." I said into her hair.

"Thanks Hunter." She wraps her arms around me and doesn't pull away.

We stayed in the embrace for a couple more seconds than we had to but I don't think either one of us minded.

I've realized I liked having her around more. I mean, I've always liked having her around, but now I just wanted her to be here more frequently.

Maybe it's the sleep I'm getting. This past week I've been able to fall asleep in an instant. It was so easy now.

And I knew exactly why. She's stayed over a few times and we've taken naps and fallen asleep together.

It was nice to finally get some rest.

"So these are all mine?" she asks, pulling away.

"If you want them all, yeah." I shrug. "I mean, I did promise you cookies during Christmas so..."

She turns to me with a smile. "You remember that?"

I nod and reach for one of the cookies. "Here. Taste it, I wanna know how I did."

She breaks a piece off and I turn around to wash my hands. I don't hear anything from her.

Were they bad?

"I have a question," Drying my hands on a towel I turn around. "Do I have to share these?" she asks.

"Not if you don't want to." I shrug in response.

"Good," She walks towards me. "Because I'm not."

I smile, satisfied by her response. Brushing the flyaways out of her face I meet her eyes.

Immediately I saw her cheeks flush red. She's cute when she blushes.

And I like knowing I'm the one who gets her to do that.

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