Chapter 7

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This is in insane. Do I even have a brain cell? With this crazy idea even I doubt it. But, what could I even do? Sit and learn sewing, wait for god to find me a husband. Even the idea that I claimed him as my twin sounded unrealistic and absurd to me now.

I can't sit and become damsel in distress. No way I am going to find myself in the situation where I cannot defend myself. Not again.

This is why I find myself going to the devil's abode. I know if the good guys say no, why would the bad guys say yes? But don't they say, you can make deal only with the devil. I just hope that I won't sell my soul. 

Asking a few servants, I found my way near the end of the field. It was nearly isolated from others. I found it quite odd. But as expected it was better than every other place. It was even larger than the one Pandavas had. I don't understand why this much space is needed, as the help said it was only for Duryodhan.

It was a square field which was situated at the backside of a part of the castle. I think it was his palace from the amount of luxury items placed here or maybe it is the usual amount. On the far side of the field there was an armory other than that the ground was pretty bare.

So, I went towards it. When I got near I heard the voices of weapons getting banged, so I guess someone is inside. My palms were sweating. I knew I was nervous.

I am having flashes of what happened to Draupadi at the duad sabha. Her red sari, her wounded face, her broken heart it all came to me at once. I took a deep breath. It won't happen to me here. A lot of incidents took place to make him that. Maybe he is not that monster now.

Before I could overthink I went inside.

I tried to go in as silently as I could. It was smaller compared to the rooms in palace, but quite big compared to a normal modern room. Here too, weapons were present everywhere, each more deadly and beautiful than the last one. Most of them were maces, but atleast three to four every other type like bow and arrow, sword, different types of shields etc. were present. So you can guess that it was quite big collection.

And in front of me was Duryodhan.

Yesterday, I saw him but from far. Today, from where I was standing he looked far more handsome.

He had dark curly locks till his shoulder which were tied in a messy bun. He had bronze coloured skin tone. His muscles were flexing as he was sharpening his heated sword, which was almost red like the one in forged and fire.

He looked like a cruel prince straight out of a fantasy book. His years of workout paid off giving him a damn god body. I just wanted to-

Snapping out of the dreamland before it was too late, I decided to speak.

"Excuse me," I said in a softer voice than I intended to.

Startled, I saw him picking the sword picking the sword and swiftly bringing it towards my neck. I winced slightly ad it pricked me. I swear I could feel the blood tickle down my neck.

But it was all lost when I saw his features. His eyes filled with darkness, almost black, which looked ready to consume me, cheekbones that people would kill for. He was taller than me by a head so I had to tilt my head slightly to look up at him.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath.

He tilted his head a little, his brows scrunching together as he hummed, "hmm."

Startled at what I was thinking, I broke our stair by taking a step back. He came to his senses and glared at me. I was almost sad that our moment came to an end, Keyword almost.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" he asked pointedly.

"I am Princess of Dwarka, twin sister of Vasudev Krishna and I want to learn how to use weapons. Will you teach me?" I asked getting straight to the point.

And then he laughed, a laugh which could weaken any girl's knees. At that moment, he looked harmless, a knight in shining armor if I would dare to say. Even my lips twitched threatening to smile.

I hated myself for the attraction I felt towards him. But he did not do anything wrong till now, right.

"You are quite a comedian, princess." He said but still couldn't stop his laughter. I chose not to reply and kept a stern face. I stared at him until his laughter stopped.

"Wait so you are not joking." He said.

"No, I am not." I simply replied.

"Then you are quite foolish." He said as a matter of fact.

"What did you say!!"

"I will never teach you or any women for that matter. Why don't you go to those goody two shoes Pandavas?"

I couldn't stop frustration from itching towards my face which probably made him guess.

"Wait they showed you away, didn't they? Of course they did. What made you think I wouldn't do the same?"

"Well you helped Karna yesterday. Why don't you want to help me?"

"I am not here to do charity. He was capable and had potential. Why would I teach you when one day all you have to do is manage house?"

"I won't just manage the house."

"So what will you do?"

"That is none of your business. Is there nothing that you want from me?"

"There is something that I can think of." He said literally checking me out!! I couldn't stop my face from becoming a red tomato.

"I am not talking about that, you moron." I yelled at him looking in his eyes, my face getting even redder by embracement and anger.

He broke the eye contact and looked sideways. But light blush crept on his face.

"You are blushing."

"No, I am not." He said lying through his teeth. "You were not supposed to know that. Don't your mothers tell you about it a day before marriage." He said trying to justify himself and accuse me.

"Well I am not from Aryavrat. So I learnt about it far sooner than you think, nearly 16 I guess. I regret reading those books on wattpad. They damaged my innocent mind." Maybe I don't. They were good books.

"Your mother allows you to read books like that. And who even writes them? And what the hell is wattpad?" 

"Well it is a long story and don't worry my mother doesn't know about it."

He was still shocked that I knew about it. He literally stared at me like I was from other planet.

"I would do you a favor if you taught me."

"What would I even want from you?"

"I could give you a ride in Alexa."


"She is my car, a chariot. She is a blessing of lord Surya, gifted to me by my brother, only one of her kind in the whole world. You would be the first person except me to ride it."

"I want her for myself in return I will teach you whatever you want"

Hello friends;

Thank you so much for 1k reads and 66 likes. I never expected I would reach it so soon.

Thank you for your support and I will try my best to update as soon as I can.

Word count: 1285

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