Chapter 15

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We were standing in front of Alexa now. I had bought my laptop for charging today morning so, I knew she'd be here in the evening today. I took my laptop and put it in the front drawer.

Duryodhan was marvelling at the car, like he really did not believe that it existed before. I was already asked the question, "How does it even works without horses?" and I told him she had 400 horse power. A lame joke, I know, but it was fun to see him confused about something. I also told him that she had sun god's blessings thus she doesn't need horses, rather than she just worked on solar energy, the former just made me look in the good light.

Then, I opened the door for him like a perfect gentleman, and then sat in the driver's seat. He looked like a child, who got the latest car model and was fascinated by everything in it. He looked harmless then, but my subconscious always knew that he wasn't.

Alexa asked me, "Where do you wish to go?"

That startled Duryodhan, like it did me the first time, "It talks?"

It was funny, I giggled and told him, "Yes, she does or how do you think she'll know where to go? Also, her name is Alexa."

"So, you aren't the one controlling it?"

"No, I am not controlling her. But I can suggest." I told him.

"Is it even safe?" he asked concerned.

At that I smiled widely said, "When am I not doing something safe?" then I patted his bicep and said, "Don't worry she nearly killed me only once."

There was a shocked looked on his face at which I laughed and then turned my attention towards Alexa and asked, "You went out in the city, right? So, take me to the place you like the most." I just wanted to see where she'd take me.

"So, is this what you do when you are done with the practices?" he asked me, coming out of shock.

"No, actually this is my first time going out." I told him. I already had a plan to go out today, I had bought my very weird picnic bag with me. I don't know why I asked Duryodhan to accompany me, but it didn't feel right to come here alone at that moment.

"Better." Huh?

"Why better?" I asked him.

He checked if I really asked that question, was the answer that obvious? He saw the confusion on my face, so answered like he was talking to a kid, "Because you are not safe, travelling alone in the kingdom, that too in the night."

"Ohh come on, not you too." I said to him exasperated. "You know I'm learning weapons right. Nothing will happen to me, I'll protect myself."

"Yeah, I know that, if I remember correctly, I'm the one teaching you." He replied sarcastically. "But, don't you dare travel alone by yourself." He later told getting serious.

"You don't get to say what I can and can't do. I'll do as I please." I told him. Afterall, I waited my whole life to be an adult and when my parents didn't have a problem why do you?

A mocking voice said to me in my head, you know where that lead you, going alone by yourself. I shut that voice down straight after that, that voice had already taken 2 years from my life, I will not let it take one more second of my life.

"Why don't you just take your safety seriously?" he asked me frustrated.

"Safety sometimes takes away freedom and I worry about my freedom taken from me a lot more than mere safety." I told him seriously looking out of the window.

"Why are you so different?" he whispered the question, thinking I didn't hear, but I did and I just didn't know what to reply. So, I let silence take over and I staired outside window, as the we went towards the forest leaving the city behind.

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