Chapter Thirteen

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Here you were. On your date. Sat in the corner booth. Away from everyone else. You would've brought your work files if you knew you were going to be here for so long with a no show. You had waited before ordering, but now seeing no point in even being there for the overpriced baked goods, the shops down the road do the same for cheaper anyway.

You were contemplating texting the group chat, knowing full well this would end up with you waiting and getting pity from all the staff if your date didn't show up and you weren't ready for that embarrassment.

Boo you whore 🤪😈😩

Mina, this date is a bust. The fucker hasn't even shown up. I've been sat here an hour already. I really want to go home.

Y/n. I don't know how many times I need to tell you this, but going to a date early means you'll be waiting for them to show up. You can't just expect them all to turn up as early as you. 🥳🥳

Mina, shut up. Can't she just come home?🧍‍♂️

Uraraka, please don't get in the way of Mina. She's not going to let up just because we asked. The whole thing is pointless to argue 💕💕💕

Easy for you lot to say. You're not sat in a highly saturated room wanting to die because couples are feeding each other bits of overpriced cake. 😭😭😭😭

Greenie 🐸💚:
When you end up old and alone because of your attitude don't blame us 😒🙄

Thanks for the pep talk guys. 🧍‍♂️

Oh be quiet. We all know we're right. Anyway at least take your date home with you, he's a fitty ❤😩💖😈

Mina you're literally married 😭😭

And you're not. Stfu.

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