Was it all a lie..?

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I feel his hand running through my hair softly.
My cheeks are slightly hot, and I'm smiling
from ear to ear.
"I'm having feelings for you, brielle."
That's what he said. I repeat the words in my head over and over again, smiling brighter every time I repeat them.
I looked at him deeply into his eyes and came closer to him.
"I've been wanting to hear you say that for so long", I whisper quietly against his lips. I bite my lip as I wait for his reaction.
"Really ?" He asks, his face glowing up from happiness. I nod my head softly. Then, he cups my face, and before I even realize it, my lips are touching his. They are moving with a sync...softly and passionately. It's as if we've been dying to kiss each other.
His hands moved to my lower back, and he pulled me as close to him as possible. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, to deepen the kiss.

"Do you want to be mine ?" He asks as he pulls back.
He brushes his hand through my hair, and smiles nervously.
"Yes," I nod my head with a smile,"of course I want to be."
He lets out a sigh of relief and pulls me into a hug.
He then drove me home. He was holding my hand the whole drive . I am so lucky to have him in my life.. I feel so happy

As we stand in front of my door, he turns me around so that I'm facing him, and he presses his lips against mine. He carefully pushes me against my door. I grab his collar and pull him closer to me. I smile softly between the kiss, and so he does.
"I'm taking you on a date tomorrow ", he says as he pulls back.
"A date ?" I ask with a smirk, yet my cheeks are glowing bright red. No one has ever made me feel this happy and his special.
"Where are we going to ?" The smirk doesn't leave my face.
"It's a surprise", he smirks.
"Can you at least give me a hint ?" I smile as I come closer to him. I tease him by pretending I'm going to give him a kiss. Then he grabs my waist and crashes his lips onto mine one last time.
"Wear something fancy. I'll be back here at 6."
And with those words he leaves.
Next day

It's already 6 PM. I was patiently waiting for Jamie to arrive. I still can't believe that I am officially Jamie Campbell Bower's girlfriend... It's crazy how I went from his fan to his lover... I really love him so much.. he's literally my everything..
I suddenly heard light knocking on my door. I got up and opened it.

It's him.

I smiled brightly when I saw him . Omg he looks so good. I kissed him on the cheek and gave him a tight hug. It felt like I'm holding the whole world in my hands.He then opened the car door for and started driving.

My eyes widened when I realized where Jamie took us . Jamie and I are standing in front of the most expensive restaurant in whole America .
He grabbed my waist and entered the place . He took me to a table and pressed a kiss on my lips before I sat down. He sits down opposite of me.

After we both have talked about lots of things, laughed a lot, and ate and drank, the subjects of the conversations start to get deeper.
"I can't believe the fact that you're going back to London in two weeks." I said with a sad look on my face.
Jamie smiles softly and places his hand
on mime.
"Do you really want to be talking about that right now?"
He's right, it wouldn't exactly be the
happiest subject.
We continued talking when suddenly a girl appeared and sat next to Jamie. What..? Who's this?
" I've missed you so much babe" the girl says while putting her hands on Jamies.

"Babe?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Babe", the girl says as she looks at me, as if I'm stupid. "Tell her".
Jamie looks at me and mouths me a 'sorry'. then closes his eyes.

'Tell her what, Lea ? Can you please leave?"
Jamie says as he looks at her.
Wait.. he knows her..?
"Oh, I'd love to, but I'd also love to stay here with my boyfriend", Lea said and gave me a bitchy look.
"Boyfriend ? Excuse me ?" I ask. "Jamie?"
But Jamie doesn't even have the time to say something before Lea starts talking again.
"Oh ! You didn't know?"She smirks at me before grabbing Jamie's face and pressing her lips onto
his. Tears start to form in my eyes as I notice that Jamie isn't even trying to get away from kissing her. He's not pulling back at all.
I stand up, tears running all over my cheeks. Jamie has pulled back and
looks at me.
"How could you ?" I yell, tears running down my face.
"Brielle, Lea is my ex girlfriend we aren't together anymore, I promise", Jamie says as he also stands up. We've made quite a scene, because everyone around us is looking at us. I look at Lea , to see a smirk on her face.
"I could see that", I say sarcastically and calmly.
"Don't ever talk to me ever again, please." I look at Jamie one last time before turning around and walking away.
"Brielle? I love you !", I hear Jamie yell. It
causes me to cry even more. I really thought he actually loves me. I really thought that he did care for me. But I now see that he never did. He lied to me. Made me feel special, when the truth is, I'm
nothing special to him. He was playing me the whole time. He was just using me..

When I got back to my house , I tried to find my keys. Jamie has tried to call me several times, and texted me, but I just ignored him.
I opened my door, and made  way for my
bed, but I noticed that I couldn't walk anymore. I feel weak at my knees. I feel useless.
I fall onto the ground, and even though I had finally stopped crying, small tears
began to run out of my eyes again.
He told me he loved me, but I guess he never did...

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