Chapter 1

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The declaration locked in the destiny assigned to her when she was four. She knew this day was coming since she was old enough to understand what it meant.

Brown wool and a somber aura draped the male announcing her title. A long black rod with a bright red end made its way towards her, business end first.

Another monk, with just as much robe and just as much sobriety as the first, reached from behind. One hand moved her head to the side, the other pressed down on her shoulder. Her loose-necked shirt was already pulled down to reveal his target. She continued to kneel and wait for the inevitable.

The sound came first. Then the smell. The pain won't come until she starts to heal. That didn't mean that her eyes weren't watering over.

Burning in her esophagus competed with the burning of her flesh as a wave of bile rose. With its meager attempt to cover up the offensive odor of charred skin, the scent of incense was making things worse for her.

"Exclusive to Alpha Dominic."

The branding rod was changed out. The heat of a second one approaching tingled her skin and set the tears pouring down her cheeks. The process repeated in the same spot leaving a crisscross of symbols. One line, with a crescent moon at each end, marked her as a breeder, and the other line, with Alpha Dominic's monogram, assigned her to him completely.

Lungs jostled her ribcage with their erratic pull for air. She was keeping her sobbing to a minimum because they weren't done yet.

With a face of an aristocrat and the eyes of a killer, Alpha Dominic's powerful form stepped in front of her. It was only a week ago that she agreed to this. He had given her a choice. But as hard as it is to believe, the alternative was even worse. She reminded herself that not everyone is born under the right stars. Sometimes your best option looks like four not-holy-but-holier-than-thou men and a couple of branding irons.

The monk behind her released his grasp to the large rough hand gripping her exposed neck. He may have been holding her, but she was staying.

"You can close your eyes if you'd like," a rough whisper made it to her as the procession of wannabe holy men headed for the door. She would be left with him and one of his personal guards from the Elite Six. Even at times like this, they would not leave his side if he was outside the packhouse.

Her wavy vision saw his free hand pulling down on the front of his light beige linen pants before she squeezed her eyes shut, pushing out the last of the water that had pooled there. A slapping sound announced that they were onto the next phase of the ceremony.

This has been more than twelve years in the making. Then, her birth pack had been conquered, their territory absorbed by the Crescent Valley Pack under Alpha Dominic's father. She was the only survivor from her immediate family. Her life was preserved for this day and what's to follow.

Beta families are to be annihilated in a take-over. With such a strong bloodline and loyalty to a deceased Alpha, revenge is almost guaranteed. The only exception is if there is a female, preferably unmated, within five years of age to the alpha or heir alpha. Such a find could be preserved for breeding.

Although barely within five years of Alpha Dominic, her light hair and fair skin overrode any objection to her selection. She would be able to produce offspring with his characteristics since her own were recessive.

The tempo changed. Breathing was now strained and sudden, accompanied by small grunts. What she thought had been quick slides back and forth she learned was just his warmup. How is she supposed to do any of this?

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें