Chapter 3

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This is a good first step. Completely appropriate.

Sophia put her schoolwork on the ground and kicked it under the bed. Disappearing from sight, but it looked like a mess. She will have to go through all that stuff again, right?

Not like he knew. He didn't make it to trigonometry. Knowing how to derive speed from velocity isn't a requirement to run the pack. Or whatever they do in that class.

"It's something Peter used to help with."

Not really. Although the eager attendant would have accepted that task with zeal, it wasn't something Dominic wanted to encourage. But it could have been his task. It was half his task. Peter would put away his clothes. This is close enough. Completely appropriate.

"What should you want me to do?" A higher, smoother, more delightful voice than he would have heard in here with his former roommate asked him. And didn't that make an area thicken that shouldn't.

Mostly appropriate. Still rounding up to completely appropriate.

She was always compliant with him, but did that make her a willing participant in this relationship?

Sure, the elders advised him repeatedly that her endorsement once appointed doesn't matter. The role was created to ensure the fittest move forward to inherit critical positions and lead. It has been largely accepted that responsibilities also include tempering the aggression of the sire.

She, in her drawstring potato sack house uniform, with her delicate sway when she walked, with her trimmed waist and full hips, is supposed to tame his beast?

She could. She absolutely could bring both his wolf and his lycan to their knees. But at what cost to her?

"You should be able to put my clothes where they go at the end of the day and bring me what I need for the evening."

Golden locks waved with her nod of comprehension. Goddess, it was good to see her hair down instead of in that tight bun she wears to school. But seriously, Peter will have to pick her up some new clothes if he is going to see her as anything other than a servant. Are these all the clothes she has to wear outside of her school uniform?

"I haven't studied your closet yet. I'm not sure where things go." Her sheepish reply was just another reminder of how overwhelmed she must be with this situation. But you have to be overwhelmed to accomplish anything of significance in life.

"I'll help you." Be sincere with her... "The best I can. But honestly, I'm not one-hundred-percent sure where everything goes either."

Her dimples made an appearance. That smile. Goddess, he couldn't help but hope their offspring would have her smile highlighted by those little divots. He would cherish that feature on their pups for the rest of his life.

"Here's my tie. It goes in the second drawer down."

She moved across the space between them with purpose, taking his accessory and opening the location he sent her to. Seeing how the rest were stored, she folded it appropriately, but wait. He saw her frown and unravel it, inspecting its quality. Her practical-length fingernails scrubbed over an area.

"You have a spot here. I think it's food." Green eyes bored into him with the innocence of helpfulness and the passion of someone denied. "I can ask Peter how to clean it. Is it alright if I leave it on top here?"

Remember your role.

"Yes. That's fine."

Don't get all excited just because she's looking out for you. Do not ascribe your passion to her.

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant