A New Life II

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I woke up at 8 AM the next morning.

I had fallen asleep on the very uncomfortable bench outside in the balcony, hence as soon as I woke up my back started to bother me. I groaned as I stretched and rubbed my back, standing up and walking inside. What a nice way to wake up.

Rory and Arya had already disappeared, which made me worry for their safety, but they should be fine right? They're freaking galactic beasts who destroyed a bunch of KSI prototypes with no problem at all, they'll be ok...and if not they know they must return here...

Trying to ignore the dark thoughts that tried to invade my mind, I poured some food into Rex's bowl and got myself some cereal for breakfast. I watched some TV while I chilled in the couch, the cool bowl of milk and cereal in my hand as Rex ate nearby.

Our conversation with Ratchet yesterday replayed on my head, so I wasn't paying too much attention to the TV. His words echoed in my mind, making me sigh softly. He was right...I had the gang, my second family...I didn't have to go through this alone. They had my ba-

"Hey Bluebeam, already up and about?" Side said as he peeked inside from the balcony.

"You be careful with the balcony there Side! Don't want it coming off!" I said. My thoughts interrupted, I turned to face him with a bit of a forced smirk, "what's up?"

"Just thought I'd invite you to a friendly rematch, from that one race many moons ago, what do you say?" He grinned.

"Hmmm...I'm not sure...I'd have to check my schedu- of course I'm coming!" I said as I finished eating and placed the bowl on the sink. "I'll be out in five"

I changed into a pair of black leggings, a white shirt, and a pair of black and blue sneakers before jumping into my motorcycle outfit and rushing downstairs. Rex barked excitedly as I skidded to a stop on the two lovebirds' apartment. Tess opened the door and we both greeted each other. She complimented my outfit, and I returned the compliment, liking the comfy outfit she had.

~I should ask her to help me come up with outfits, she's good with clothes...unlike me~ I thought, before Tess smiled and picked Rex up.

"By the looks of it you're going out," she observed as she held Rex in her arms.

"Yeah, and I was wondering if you'd keep an eye on Rex, if it ain't too much trouble," I said, with an apologetic smile, "I know it's last minute, but-"

"Oh no! It's no problem at all, we'd love to take care of him," she smiled with a nod, "besides, this little guy is better than the guardian robot dad had back at the house," she giggled.

"I can only imagine," I chuckled, "I'll come pick him up in an hour or so then"

"K, see ya later"


I took out my motorcycle once outside, Sideswipe already on his car form. I grin as I put my helmet on and mount my vehicle. Side's engine roared as we got into position. Razor gurgled from behind and trotted to my side, tilting his head as he looked at us with a confused look, his claw tapping on the ground. Both me and Side chuckle, and I just order him to stay close as I clutched the motorcycle's handles, making the engine roar as I got ready to accelerate.


My motorcycle raised itself to be on one wheel for a couple of seconds before I lowered it and the wheel hit the ground as we raced out of the base and down a dirt road Side had found. Razor ran next to me as Side remained on the lead for now, him mocking me playfully through the helmet's communicator. I roll my eyes with a grin as I speed up more and more with each passing second. Side chuckled noticing this and imitated me, accelerating until he reached his limit. I grinned as I rolled on the throttle and sped up, to the point where we were even on the road. I teased Side by going forward then slowing down again to be next to him, and soon he started doing the same before I sped up as quick as I could, going off the road momentarily and going up a smooth rock, making the motorcycle fly over Side and land in front of him. I giggled happily, forgetting all my worries for the rest of the race and the morning.

Transformers Age of Extinction: BluebeamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ