A New Life III

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There's not much to say about the remaining days at the base, the following days, however, were full of quite the excitement.

Aside from the routinary training and helping Cade with his jeep, I went on the occasional ride with Razor and started taking a short art course online for a secret project I would start working on once we were settled in KSI. I might not trust them, but at least they have the technology I'll need once I feel confident enough to get it through.

I also hung out with Tess and Shane, I helped her go through different colleges in the United States and look for a career she might like. Shane on the other hand looked for places where he could race that would be close to any college that she wanted. I was also looking into continuing my studies, as they were interrupted by the hunting down of the Bots and their human allies. I was skeptical though, afraid that things wouldn't change and the American government would still be after us despite what we did.

Would they let us back in? Or would we be stuck in China?

That's something that worried me to no end, but Ratch assured me that everything would be ok, although he himself sounded reluctant and I noticed he was constantly on edge.

The soldier Jackson whom I had encountered a few days prior was nowhere to be seen up until that point, so I assumed he was just a creep of some sort who wanted a picture, autograph, or something else. Whatever it was, I was glad he was gone, and I didn't miss him lurking in the corners watching me walk down the streets as he did in our first and only encounter.

I continued going out to the city with Razor and Rex. Tess and Shane accompanied us on occasion, but Cade rarely left the base. Tess helped me with my wardrobe, as I was more of the comfy person I only had a pair of shirts, t-shirts, bagged jeans, and hoodies. She helped me get some new clothes that I thought were ok, and that I saw myself wearing. We also went to get boba tea together from time to time, also bagging some to drink at home.

On the morning of our second to last day at the base, we were sent KSI iPads in which there was a little letter. The letter addressed each of us but said the same thing: we were provided with the iPad to determine how we would like our living space to be furnished and arranged once we arrived. In the device, we were met with a choice: house, or apartment. While I chose a house, the others decided on an apartment. Cade was definitely annoyed because he wouldn't be living under the same roof as Tess, but it was clear that he trusted Shane more than he did prior to the start of their adventure. I found the situation quite amusing, however, I restrained myself from laughing in front of them.

I spent the whole day designing the closest thing to my dream home before sending the model to Joshua. I received a mail back confirming that he received it. Aside from that, I didn't stay in contact with him.

As for Arya and Rory, they continued hunting and leaving on occasion to do who knows what. I tried to go with them once, but Arya growled when I attempted to ride her. She proceeded to give me the closest thing to an apologetic look before taking off. Razor and I attempted to follow, but they were too fast. The Raptor was visibly upset, he seemed to think he was the fastest creature in the galaxy. I gave him some meat to cheer him up.

Yes, I found out that he could eat a mix of both meat and metal, something I found disgustingly amazing. I briefly wondered how he disposed of the excess meat but decided against investigating further from that.

And finally, the day came in which we had to leave the military base. The Captain invited us to come by any time, that we had been very nice guests and a welcome change to the base. Some of the soldiers even took goodbye photos with some of the Bots, like Hound, Bee, and Sideswipe. The only ones that turned down the offers were Drift and Ratch. They were pretty polite about it and even agreed to give them a ride another day. Crosshairs was the only Bot that the humans avoided, and he was definitely jealous of the attention that the others had gotten on the little farewell party that had been gathered around the entrance.

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