Eunuch Wu

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The entire palace was on edge as Eunuch Wu was being investigated. They were both afraid and respectful of him because they had never before witnessed an empress who moved so quickly and decisively. Every servant was alert during this period, and none dared to make a mistake. After being informed about the illness of Official Lady Huifang, the emperor at court faced criticism as well.

Poppies and opium were in abundance under Kai Dinxiang's rule, the grandfather of the current emperor. Although there were other additions, these two constituted the majority. And as a result, the majority of nobility were unstable mentally and incapable of running the empire. The empire descended into turmoil because they were failing to execute their tasks and embezzling money alongside the emperor. There was a short famine and although the famine was brief, it resulted in a large number of fatalities. The empire's situation improved because of the present emperor's father, Kai Tingfeng.

The atmosphere at Yue Yard was very stifling. Official Lady Lifen sat on the couch as she nervously bit her nails. She was sure she didn't leave any trace so nothing should happen to her right? She hadn't been out of her yard since she finished her scheme, but some words were inevitably being heard by her. She only had the guts to a scheme like this because the empress never cared, but why was he investigating so diligently now? While anxiously thinking of the reason her head maid ran in, her face filled with panic.

"My lady! This is bad!" The maid yelled in a hurry.

"What! What is it?!" Official Lady Lifen's heart dropped when she heard her maid yell like that.

"Well I went out to find what's going on but the case was very tightly secured, but I did get some information." The maid hurriedly replied.

"What? What is it?!" Official Lady Lifen really couldn't wait anymore. She felt like she was being suffocated by each word the maids uttered.

"Well the case is being investigated by Imperial Wife Yan, and Eunuch Wu committed suicide. I tried to find out some information by going to Fan Hall where Euncuh Wu committed suicide but it was under strict security according to the empress's orders." The maid reported.

"Eunuch Wu committed suicide?! Why would he do that?  Isn't that directly putting us into the spotlight? We are the main suspects now because of him! Did he do it on purpose?" Official Lady Lifen couldn't believe it. Eunuch Wu was the main part of his scheme. He knew a lot of information so she was planning to get rid of him, but for him to do this was like hanging himself along with Yue Yard.

"Don't worry mistress, I cleaned all of our traces we have no connection with the crime that 'Eunuch Wu' committed, but your brother sent a maid to warn me that someone is looking into Eunuch Wu and that person has major connections. It's not someone that they can offend." The maid reported.

"Older brother? Then this might be more serious than we thought." Official Lady Lifen said as he frowned. "If anybody asks for me, tell them that I'm sick and I can't meet anybody." Official Lady Lifen ordered as she waved her hand.

"But, mistress-" The maid tried to advise but was interrupted.

"It's fine. It won't be suspicious since all the concubines are doing the same, and go spread the rumor that Eunuch Wu never liked to listen to his mistress, and would even touch her stuff." Official Lady Lifen interrupted and said as she made her way to bed.

Over at the empress's place, the atmosphere was more relaxed. Since the week of the accident, Li Dani never stopped investigating Eunuch Wu for the whole week and now it looked like he finally got some results. He knew he inadvertently alerted his enemy when he went to the Department Of Human Welfare to get information about Eunuch Wu but he was sure that the enemy have already lost. He finally found out why Euncuh Wu would do such a thing, and he was here to report it to the empress. He looked at the empress going through the files and got ready for his report.

"Quiao'er I am back." The empress didn't want him to call him empress when they were alone so he uses his nickname now.

"What did you find Li Dani?" The empress asked as he looked up from the files.

"In any case, I went to the Department of Human Welfare to acquire some documents on Eunuch Wu, but Wen Donghai, Official Lady Lifen's di brother, tried to obstruct me using his connections. He paid nobles to assist his son since, as you are aware, his father is a very wealthy businessman. The fact that his son is the only official from his merchant family further prompted him to go all out, and you know how my dad is. I went to your second brother since he refused to assist because he didn't want to interfere with the nobles. Your second brother took matters into his own hands and delivered the documents to me." At the empress' side, Li Dani reported.

"Second brother? Did he get you everything?" The empress enquired curiously.

"Yes, I learned about his family after receiving Eunuch Wu's records. He was a member of the Li family, a low-income household in Ling Village. Due to a tragic event, his father is now disabled. The family became destitute as a result of his inability to earn a living and the mother becoming the only source of income for the household. Li Guo sold himself out of desperation and became Eunuch Wu. He was listed as the Li family's lone son and child in his files. Nobody bothered to look into it, so he continued to work and finally began to win the concubines' favor, which allowed him to earn more money. His family was very well off because almost all of his money was sent back to them." As he handed the empress the documents, Li Dani resumed.

"Did you go to their house?" The empress asked as he looked over the files.

"Yes, I did. I discovered that they actually had three kids when I visited their home. In addition to Li Guo, they had two other girls. To prevent paying more taxes, they didn't register them. Li Xiu, the eldest daughter of the family, sold herself and worked as a palace maid when they didn't hear anything back from Li Guo. She became a servant of Official Lady Lifen. Her brother was surprised to see her there but was also worried about them bringing trouble to their family, so he didn't say anything and pretended not to know her. All was going according to plan until Official Lady Lifen lost her cool and killed Li Xiu. Eunuch Wu was devastated to learn this, but he felt more resentment than sadness, so he devised a scheme." Li Dani pointed to the notes he made in the files and explained them to the empress.

"So he got closer to Official Lady Lifen on purpose?" The empress was not stupid so he started to catch up.

"Exactly. He put in twice as much effort as anybody else in the palace did to earn the respect of Official Lady Lifen. He even offered her many deadly temptations. He killed himself because he knew he would be punished, but he left all the proof of her misdeeds behind." Li Dani went on to elaborate.

"So did you find everything?" The empress asked in a gentle voice but the sinister look on his face betrayed him.

"Everything Quiao'er." Li Dani responded with a melon-eating look on his.

"Then what are you waiting for you wench? Arrest that bi- anyways just make sure she gets what she deserves that annoying animal made me work for an entire week. No, calling her an animal is insulting to the animals, that woman is a...." Just like that the empress's mood swings kicked in once again. Li Dani rolled his eyes as he took some guards and made his way to Yue Yard.

Hello Lovelies! Here's an update. Btw check out my other story if you want. It'd a BG story, and I'm thinking of making it into a short story. It's fast romance and also fast-paced. The title is Yours Truly: I'm A Villainess So What?

Question of the day.

Vincenzo or Lucifer?

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