From Offenses To Marriage

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"You're majesty please understand-" Qingge was about to explain but was harshly cut off by the empress.

"Understand? You came into the royal palace during a celebration and made a fuss and you're asking me to understand? You might as well tell me to get up and give you my seat seeing how highly you think of yourself," The empress coldly responded.

"Empress please forgive this child as he knows nothing, this lowly servant will make sure to teach him properly when we get back home." Duchess Ning pleaded as she gave a deep bow. 

"Child? Your son is eighteen this year, way older than Wenqian whom you are planning to marry off to the newly promoted General Liang." The empress pointed out as he leaned back in his chair.

"General Liang?" Duchess Ning couldn't help and blurt out unconsciously.

"Oh, you didn't know? Liang Hong has been promoted from a provincial commander to a general. My father had taken a liking to him and took him under his wings, but General Liang made many achievements on the battlefield earning himself many promotions. This is indeed not a bad marriage, I will approve of it." The empress explained as he looked at Wenqian to see his reaction.

He didn't just make the choice by himself. Imperial Wife Ying had already had that intention hearing about General Liang's promotion. She knew that not everybody in this world was born lucky, especially her sibling and her. They were concubine-born children which made them worth less than other children since their birth. It was good that they had a rather decent father and were able to live without suffering too much. 

Unlike other children, they wouldn't be able to marry because of love. Even if her brother was promoted he didn't have enough power to separate from the family or to really protect them. So he talked to his mom about the marriage and showed Ying Wenqian a portrait of his groom-to-be, Liang Hong. Her mother agreed to see that he was righteous and upright while Wenqian, who was innocent and loved the idea of having his own family agreed to be married to Liang Hong but at that time none of them knew that he was promoted to a general. The empress really did a lot for them.

"I don't want to for anybody while making my decision so may both parties step up and say if they are willing to be married to each other," The empress instructed. Following the empress's instruction both Liang Hong and Ying Wenqian hurried over to the empress.

"I will let General Liang answer first as he is the man," Ying Wenqian answered gently as he bowed to the empress.

"What man? I am asking you because this relationship concerns both of you, not just the man. Can Liang Hong bear children? I don't think so, so this actually concerns you more than him, as you have more risk factors." The empress responded to Ying Wenqian.

"His majesty is wise, young master Ying should answer with full honesty without taking anyone into consideration but yourself as you are the one who will be in this marriage." Liang Hong echoed as he looked at Ying Wenqian with sparkling eyes. 

In fact, this was not the first time he was hearing about this marriage. The empress had sent him a letter asking him for his opinion along with a portrait of Ying Wenqian. He wouldn't say that he had liked Wenqian, but he had heard of him and his talent and would be more than happy to be his husband. He had learned from General Liu that having a family was the most heartwarming thing for some people, and he who was an orphan always yearned for a family, so he really didn't mind marrying, and marrying such a wonderful bride was a bonus.

"Then I would be honored to be wed to General Liang," Ying Wenqian said eloquently, as his cheeks turned red.

"No, I am the one who is truly honored to be able to marry such an eloquent and beautiful wife," Liang Hong said as turned to look at the blushing Wenqian.

"Okay, I get you are both worthy!" The empress said as he feigned annoyance, causing laughter to erupt among the crowd. 

"Do you give them your blessings?" The empress asked Imperial Wife Ying and her mother.

"I give them my sincerest blessings," Imperial Wife Ying responded with a smile.

"Me too," Concubine Li echoed.

"I also wish for you guys to have a good marriage," Duke Ying added, the guilt in his eyes unconcealed.

"I oppose! You hear me Liang Hong I oppose! Why didn't I know any of this marriage talk?! I come back and now baby brother is getting married off?! Who do you think you are Liang Hong? You're not even worthy enough to carry my little brother's shoes, no less marry him. This marriage will happen over my dead body!" Wenyi jeered as he pulled Wenqian behind his back. Wenyi and Wenqian were twins that were six hours apart. They had always done everything together and were closer together than anybody else. Wenyi had always regarded himself as Wenqian's big brother and was always there to protect him. So seeing his little brother about to be married off was a big event that he was unable to accept.

"Officer Wenyi, I thought we were very close?" Liang Hong asked confused. They were indeed very close in the army and could be considered the best of friends. So how come he was deemed so unworthy now?

"That was before I knew you were ogling my brother! How could you?!" Ying Wenyi barked in a tone that would make everyone think that he caught his lover cheating on him.

"Wenyi! Let your brother go and stop the nonsense!" Imperial Wife Ying ordered sternly.

"Never! They don't even know each other! What if that bastard Liang Hong doesn't end up loving him and finds a concubine what would happen to my Qianqian? He only knows how to be virtuous and would only endure on his own, but he's also faint-hearted that he might be so sad and fall ill, and that illness may eventually lead to death. Did you not think of that?" Wenyi explain as he brought Wenqian in front of him and stroked his hair. His words surprised everybody. At first, they thought that his words were comical but now they can see that he genuinely cares for his younger brother.

"So? What do you want him to do?" Imperial Wife Ying asked calmly.

"I would never stop my brother from marrying, knowing just how much he likes the idea of having a family of his own, but my brother barely knows Liang Hong and vice versa. I had worked this hard on the battlefield because I don't want to see my younger brother be married off like my eldest sister. I want him to be in a happy and carefree marriage where he can get mad and come back home, be jealous and scolds his husband, and be so happy and smile that he can laugh at the smallest things. I don't want him in a marriage where he can't get mad and come back home to complain or swallow his jealousy down because he might get repudiated, and so unhappy that he had to spend the rest of his life lamenting on the smallest things. So please your majesty rethink your decision." Wenyi confessed as he gave the empress a deep bow.

Okay, so I unpolished and tried like a hundred times but Wattpad refuses to let me have my way. I don't know if yall can see it now but I pretty much had to rewrite this chapter.

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Are murderers made or born?

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