𝒊𝒊𝒊. henry's favorite profiler

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        "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT GOING? EVERY KID LOVES TRICK-OR-TREATING?" Garcia questioned JJ as the woman had explained that her son didn't want to go trick-or-treating this year. Casey and Rossi had been in on the conversation, also wondering why.

"Henry's scared," JJ said. "One of his little buddies told him Halloween was the only time when all the real monsters come out because they can blend in." Casey's ears perked up. "Who was it? I'll go all godmother on their asses. Show them what to really be scared of." The woman told.

The three chuckled as Rossi spoke: "Never thought about that, though. Good monster strategy." Garcia looked at JJ. "You did tell him it wasn't true, right?" She asked.

"Of course I did. But he's convinced." JJ sighed. "Childhood fears are resistant to adult logic. Sometimes you just have to wait it out." Rossi told. "For how long?" JJ asks. "Well, if he's 23 and this still worries you, you got a problem." Rossi tells, making JJ laugh a bit.

"Well, see, the thing is, I think I am partly to blame." JJ stands up from her seat. "How?" Casey asked as she, Garcia and Rossi followed her. "Well, the other night, Will and I were up late, we were having some wine, talking about some of the cases we've worked on, and at one point, I said I felt like there was no end to all the monsters walking around, and..."

Casey knew where this was heading and so did Rossi. "Henry sneaked into the room to listen to the grownups." Rossi told. "Yeah, we need a cone of silence for our house." JJ stated. Garcia chuckles and Casey offers, "I don't think I'm doing anything on Halloween. If he changes his mind, I'd be happy to take him."

"I thought you and Spence would've had some plans." JJ told but Casey shrugged, "Eh, well, he's more into this holiday than I am, I'd probably just bum him out. But taking Henry trick-or-treating would be fun." Casey told. "If you could convince him, it'd be great." JJ stated.

The four walked into the roundtable room and Casey took her spot next to her boyfriend. "Those of you who like a good mystery, please unleash your inner Agatha Christie, 'cause this one's a real humdinger." Garcia started it off.

"Gary Ellard, Barry Deaver, Paul Hicks, Terry Rodgers. Over the course of the last month and a half, these four men have gotten in their cars in La Grande, Oregon, and drove into the never-to-be-seen-agains-ville, poof, gone. The latest victim Terry Rodgers disappeared 24 hours ago." Garcia explained.

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