CHAPTER IX: Four of Wands

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Once the announcement is made, people start cheering. While some go back inside to dance there on the music, other stay outside to talk to some of the other people there. Schlatt stays by your side, however, which both Jared and you are not a big fan of. "Go away, Schlatt," Jared says. "We just want to have fun. Please, don't start any argument with them. Go bother Quackity instead."

"Quackity is no fun anymore," Schlatt simply responds, leaning on you with his arm still around your shoulders. "He's started getting more and more serious and it's honestly one of the most boring things I've ever seen. Like, come on, guys. You're just being another unoriginal, boring part of society, who the fuck wants that! You, Y/N, however, don't seem to be one of those people."

"Is that a compliment?"

"That depends, considering compliments are pretty subjective, don't you agree?" The man has a smirk on his face and you can smell his breath, since he's not at all trying to keep a distance between you and him. And despite his outstanding appearance and his annoying behaviour, you still see the charm in him.

"I suppose I have found a fellow philosopher, then?" you say with a teasing voice, booping the nose of the man playfully and he grins, letting go of your shoulder to properly stand before you and put his hands on his hips to proudly put his chin in the air.

"Oh, yes, you have certainly. I don't know if I've properly introduced myself to you before, but allow me to do it now. My name is J. Schlatt. The J stands for Jesus."

"I find that hard to believe," you comment, crossing your arms and he laughs.

"That's because it's a lie, probably. But it might as well have been truth. In any case, I used to have a business, as I'm sure you're aware of, so if you're ever interested in restarting it with me, you know where to find me."

"I don't know that, actually."

"Well, just go to Quackity's inferior businesses and you'll find me there. Or in the bar. Either are possible really. Usually I'm drunk, but I always remember opportunities to make money, even while I'm under the influence. What can I say? You're either a legend, or you're not."

"You're a man who thinks highly of himself, aren't you?" a familiar voice speaks who quickly shows himself to be Dream. Dream, who approaches you, Jared and Schlatt has his eyebrow raised as he sceptically looks at the previous-businessman talking to you. Schlatt just chuckles at Dream's words.

"Not necessarily, actually. When I say I'm a legend, I mean it quite literally after all. Which is something you can't say, ever, since you're just another one in the pack."

"Calling yourself a legend is just as pathetic, honestly," Jared adds uncertainly as he scratches the back of his neck, avoiding Schlatt's eyes at first, until the man bursts out laughing, which results in a confused look from both your friend and the other man present. You too are complicated when it comes to how to feel about his reaction.

"I'm glad you've started saying more, Jared," the man says as he approaches him and punches him softly on the shoulder. "You're a lot more fun when you're not trying to hold yourself in. Maybe we could grab some alcohol and complain about what kind of an asshole I am, huh?" You're watching with an open mouth. Jared, however, seems just as confused and surprised.

"I don't want alcohol, actually."

"Fine. Then we're going to stand in the corner and I'll drink, while you complain. Someone needs to humble me, after all." And with that, Schlatt drags Jared away from you to inside. While you watch them leave, you're unaware of Dream moving closer to you to peer at them with you.

"He's going to try and convince him to help him with restarting his company, I'm sure," Dream eventually states drily and you turn to him with wide eyes.

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