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Foolish coughs, acting as though he has something stuck in his throat, as he's been doing the entire evening. Even though you returned to the angel's church after visiting a family of pale vampires, you felt your heart stop for a moment when you caught a glimpse of Foolish's paleness. You'd immediately asked him if he were alright, but he insisted so. "Puffy checked up on me, we know what the problem is now!" However, he hadn't explained any further, or a coughing attack took place. Right afterwards, he had run to the toilet. He claimed he just had to throw up, but for some reason, you didn't fully trust it.

So, while eating the delicious food he made you, you try to make conversation. Awkwardly, but you try so nonetheless. "You can cook really well, mate," you start out, as he smiles brightly as soon as he hears your voice. His eyes twinkle, despite the sore throat he seems to have. You can hear that he breathes abnormally, but you don't ask him about it yet. You need a normal conversation first, after that you can go on to the more personal shit, to so put it. "So, uh, what have you been doing this day?"

"Just the routines," he casually answers, voice cracking ever so slightly. "And I was wondering if there was anything I could help you with? You know, with everything that's been going on and that will still happen."

You laugh, seeing the perfect opportunity to mention his disease. "I'm not sure if I can accept your aid, Foolish. As long as you're ill, I think you should rest and get better first." At that, he falls silent, looking away while his face slightly regains colour, mostly around the cheeks. When you don't get an answer, you continue eating, until you can't withstand your own curiosity, and need for knowledge. "What do you have, anyway? You haven't said anything yet about medicines, but it does seem to be bad enough for you to have those."

"It's complicated," he sighs, hiding his smile behind hands, before coughing some more in them. Which is when you see him throwing something on the ground. Quickly looking behind the table, you watch him put away a petal, which should be belonging to a flower.

Then it hits you. "You've been coughing up flowers." That's all you can say. After all, you don't know what else to say of it. Chrysanthemums, are what have been occupying his lungs, and more worry grows because of it. Has it something to do with the plant that's been growing in the centre of the town? You don't want to think you're responsible, but that's the only logical explanation you have for this incident. Besides, you have never heard of any illness that consists out of people coughing up flowers, so has he not been cursed instead?

"Please, don't ask too many questions," Foolish tries to convince you, standing up in a panic as he holds up his hands, like he's trying to calm down a child. "It's nothing too bad. I'll just have to get through it for a bit. And I will! I can promise you, I will! As long as you live here with me, you have nothing to worry about."

You don't know what that insinuates. You don't like that he doesn't want you to ask question. That's your whole point. That's the reason you've been brought into this world. To ask questions. To annoy the hell out of people, like Socrates used to. To give innocent strangers existential crises. That's what you're here for, so him asking you not to concerns you slightly, especially since he seems like one of the last people to be that irritated by you. So, you don't take him seriously. It's hard to, after all. What will he do? Take you with him on a flight and drop you from a thousand feet above the ground? Sounds interesting: pavements taste very good, from what you've heard.

"Is it an illness, or a curse?" you then continue, refusing to believe there's any human disease to include symptoms of coughing up plants, unless the patient is a bit too excited when it comes to tree hugging, as Foolish clears his throat, yet another petal coming out. Foolish looks in an almost invisible shame at the ground.

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