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(Y/n P.O.V)

"You have all the things you need right?" Chris asks me and Peri.

"Yep. And don't worry we'll be back before midnight." I tell him but it looks like he doesn't believe me. Welp deal with it.

"And no kissing-"

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'M GOING TO KISS SOMEONE!?" I yell. I mean...you know what I'm not even going to finish that.

"Alright off we go." Peri says as they walk out. Chris looks at me again.

"Make sure you don't summon a demon or a phantom...again." Chris tells me. "Also no killing anyone." I glare at him. I didn't mean to kill that one dude. I mean it was just one dude...ok maybe it was like twenty people but still!

"Alright by Chris." I wave goodbye and walk out. Outside I see Peri just standing there. "You good?" I look to see where Peri is looking at and once I see what. I freeze on spot. A phantom was just standing there..and it looks ugly.

"So...what should we do..?" Peri asks me. I stare at them for like a good ten seconds. "Well that was a stupid question. Ready to start running?" I nod my head and immediately start running. The phantom chases after me and Peri.

"So any idea on how there's a phantom in the real world?" Peri asks but something sounded oddly wrong when Peri said real...maybe i am going crazy. But now that I think about it. How did a ugly looking slenderman bitch get into the real world?

"Good question..we'll have to figure that out later." I respond. I hear the ugly bitch's footsteps fading away so that's good-*CRASH*

"Ow..." I say as I rube my head. I look to see what I crash into and it was a trash can. Well fuck you trash can.

"Hey do you think that Aiden guy is going to be there?" Peri asks me. I shake my head.

"This late at night? Nah." I respond. Why do I feel disappointed to hear myself say that..? Is he killing me with emotions?

"Hey I think we might want to hurry and get to the bus graveyard before that slenderman looking phantom catch's up to us." Peri tells me. I nod in agreement. I get up and we continue running to the bus graveyard. Yet something feels off...is that ugly slenderman looking bitch watching me..? I look to Peri and I can't tell if Peri feels it to...

Man..I'm probably going crazy. But that's not the real problem. The real problem is that Aiden guy. I think he might be trying to kill me with my own emotions. Like I'm 89% sure he's trying to kill me!

What if he's a phantom in disguise? Or a demon trying to get my soul!? What if he's a alien! Or he's a fallen angel? Maybe a angel? What if he's a fairy...man I need someone to draw that. I'll ask Peri to draw Aiden as a pretty fairy. Than I'll make copies of that and put all of the copies in his backpack, locker, house. This is the best plan!

"You look like you want me to do something..go on spit it out. What do you want?" Peri asks me. I'm not going to question how Peri knew that but ok.

"Hey Peri..? Can you draw Aiden as a pretty fairy..?" I ask. Peri immediately starts dying of laughter.

"WHAT!? YOUR FOR REAL!?" Peri yells in laughter.

(Chris's small P.O.V time.)
Why do I feel like someone's watching me...I've been having this feeling for days. I know James has this feeling too. But the other probably don't. Well not yet at least..wait does Peri ever feel like someone is watching them? I can't tell..why can't I tell if Peri does or not? Peri should be the easiest to see through...right?

(??? P.O.V)
Y/n is either stupid or crazy. Maybe both. Also the audacity he has to call my creation ugly. It took me 30 minutes to creat her. How rude. But it seems like he feels like someone is watching him but thinks he's crazy. I mean I am watching him but still... James is still the same. Cale is just as gay as ever. Don't worry Cale, I support you. Alex is has no hoes. I really need to find out what hoes are. But I probably don't have these hoes so I'm safe. Chris is trying to figure out who is watching him. He probably won't find me...hopefully.

But I can't seem to figure out Peri...I can't tell if they know someone is watching them or not. So that leads me to my main question about Peri..
Are they human..?
"Oooooo! ??? supports the LGBT+!"

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