Chapter 7 [First Date!]

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(Copyright) © 2011 Candle_Ice

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Chapter 7

Leonidas was on his balcony looking out into the night. The stars were shining brightly and the full moon was visible in the almost cloudless sky. But he saw none of it. His eyes were focused on the driveway, where any minute now Elise will arrive. 

The fact that he was nervous was a little scary. He’d never been afraid of meeting anyone in his life. But he was nervous at the thought of Elise’s arrival.

What was scarier was the realisation that the prospect of marrying her was not making him feel suffocated. She was the right choice, though, for a wife and for a future queen. Many past royal marriages were to complete strangers.

Thanks to his father, however, Leonidas was given the privilege of choosing his bride. Hopefully Elise will listen to him, and agree to give them a shot, and give him her ideas of how they progress from here. 

No one’s opinion had ever mattered to him before. He was the first born Prince of Elyria, he didn't need anyone's approval, nor did he seek it. Until now.

He cared about Elise's opinion of him. If he was going to get her to accept his proposal, he needed to change her mind set of "Prince Leonidas" and have her accept that he was "Leo" the one she talked to, the one she likes, because she certainly didn’t like “Prince Leonidas.”

A movement on the road caught his gaze, headlights were approaching. The car was almost approaching the Palace Gates, and he didn’t know what to do with himself.

 She's almost here. Debating whether or not to meet her at the palace entrance or just have her brought to him, only lasted a second as he rushed to the entrance. 

She's probably feeling intimidated already, no need to have her walk through the palace with a servant. 

He made it to the entry way a second before the driver opened her door. The first thing he saw were her legs emerging from the back seat. And what nice legs they are, He thought. He kept staring at them, not realizing the entire body had followed suit, until the legs started walking. His gaze then moved upwards. She looked amazing! If Leonidas thought he was attracted to her before, he was convinced now that he had a definite attraction for Elise van Hastening. 

Her eyes met his as she came and stood in front of him. She made to curtsy, and he stopped her with hands on her shoulders preventing the action. She shot him a confused look.

She was not the only one confused. The driver, the guards in the entry way and the servants who were present were also confused, but remained in their curtsy and bowed position, as it was not their place to question the action of the Prince. That was the moment it finally dawned that she was special. None of the prince's ex-girlfriends or dates ever came directly to the palace, and they all had to curtsy, but Elise did not know that. 


Be Calm! She continued to chant to herself, as they headed to his chambers.

"Your hands are cold," he stated, giving the one he was holding a squeeze. 

"I-I'm nervous. My feet and hands always get cold whenever I’m nervous or anxious." She said, and then blushed when she realized she gave too much information.

"Good to know." He chuckled. "But there’s no need to be nervous. It's just two people who met over the internet, and have finally met in person and are now having dinner."

"Yeah, but the one at the other end of the line, was the Crown Prince. Whom, I bad mouthed at times, at your probing, I might add." She reminded him.

Her Royal Pen PalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora