Chapter 23 [Prison Break]

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(Copyright) © 2011 Candle_Ice

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[A/N: Didn’t get to edit, may have a few typos, will edit later! =) Please ignore for now!]

Chapter 23

Usually, someone crawling into her bed meant that either Helena or Jared had had a bad dream and now needed some company. So when Elise turned to face the intruder, the last person she expected to find was Leonidas!

“Leonidas? What the..? How did you…? Where did you..? Am I still sleeping?” she asked dazedly, turning to put on her bedside lamp.

The soft glow illuminated Leonidas, whether real or fake, as she was yet to determine, as he chuckled at her.

“I sure hope you’re not sleeping. After all the trouble I went through to sneak in here,” Leonidas chided.

Sitting up Elise touched the figure next to her and realised that it was in fact the real life Leonidas.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in a rushed whisper.

“Is that all you can say, after a week in confinement and not having seen each other?” he scolded playfully.

“Well forgive me, Highness, but I’m not really good company at 1o’ clock in the morning,” she retorted, glancing at her bedroom clock.

“I can tell,” he responded in a teasing tone.

Elise was still a little clouded by her sleepiness state, but she was warming up to him. It was nice to see him in person, and not just talk to him over the phone. But how did he end up in her room?

“How on earth did you get in here?” she asked.

“Details, details,” Leonidas shrugged as fixed her pillow how he wanted it and lay back.

“Leonidas, I’m serious. Prince or no Prince, if my father catches you –“

“Relax, I came in through the balcony, and I’ll leave through the balcony, so I’ll be gone before he wakes up,” he explained to her.

Elise looked around her room, to ensure she remembered every detail of it.

“I don’t have a balcony,” she informed him.

Sighing, Leonidas sat up back and stared at her, “You’re not going to rest until I tell you how I got in here, are you?”

She feigned consideration for a moment, “No, I’m not. Especially since you told me earlier today or yesterday rather, that the King suggested you keep a low profile for a while longer.”

“The King doesn’t know I’m here,” Leonidas said to her with a smile.

At Elise’s confused look, Leonidas recalled his escape tactic.

“Thane got me some clothes the Royal Guards wear, and I joined the patrol stationed outside your house, incognito, while Thane covers for me at the palace. I called Helena, who allowed me to scale the balcony outside her room on the second floor, and checked the hallway to ensure that your parents don’t see me as I made my way to your room,” Leonidas finished.

“I guess you inherited your mother’s scheming mind,” Elise teased after she took in what he had done.

“Better than inheriting my father’s snoring, it’s loud and obnoxious,” he countered with a smile.

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