Chapter 10- Can We Talk?

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I wake up the next day around 11. 11?! I never sleep in that late! If it weren't for my mom waking me up, I would have probably slept until 12.

"Lana! Honey, are you okay?" My mom asks me, urgently. I open my eyes slowly, remembering all the memories of last night.

"Yeah, I'm good." I respond, closing my eyes and trying to go back to sleep. I suddenly feel a pillow hit me hard. What the hell?

"Lana." My mom says once again, trying to get me to get out of bed.

"Ugh I don't want to ever get up." I whine. My mom leaves my room suddenly. Thank God, maybe she will let me sleep in longer. She comes back in a second later, carrying makeup remover and a cotton swab. I sit up in my bed. She wets the cotton swab with the makeup remover and puts it over my eyes, trying to wipe off all the mascara.

"Did something happen last night at that party?" My mom asks me, with a concerned look on her face. I then tell my mom everything that happened last night.

"Aww honey, I'm sorry. Well if it makes you feel any better, I always thought Drew was kind of boring anyways." She says, rubbing my arm.

"He didn't even let me explain," I say, "Which made me realize how low of trust he must have had for me if he automatically assumed I was cheating on him."

"Well good thing I called your work and let them know you weren't coming in today." Shit, I forgot about that. I was supposed to be at work about an hour ago.

"Thanks mom." I say.

"Well let's go." My mom says excitedly.


"You didn't think I would let you skip work for no reason.." My mom asks. I automatically know where she is going with this. Whenever me or my mom gets sick or something happens, we choose three 70-90's movies to watch.

"Okay I already have my 3 movies picked out." I tell her.

"Oh please say we aren't watching Dirty Dancing again? We watch it every time." My mom asks, hopeful.

"No, this time we are watching, Never Been Kissed, She's All That and Top Gun." I say.

"I'll get the popcorn ready." My mom announces, going downstairs.


"Where were you yesterday?" Chris asks me. I am currently wiping down the nearby table.

"I wasn't feeling well but I'm good now." I say. He doesn't need to know that I took a sick day because I got dumped.

"Good, well are you able to hangout tonight?" He asks me. I am not exactly in the mood to hangout but I guess it would be good to do something. I also feel bad because Chris has asked me to hangout like twice already and I haven't been able to.

"Yeah sure."

"We could go see a movie?" He offers.

"Oo that would be fun." I reply.

"I can pick you up around 6?" He says.

"Okay. I'm going to go check the register now to make sure no one is waiting." I say, walking over to the register. I see no other than Tyler waiting there, impatiently. The second he sees me, his face changes. And not for the better. He looks like he wants nothing to do with me.

"I'll take a shirley temple." He says simply, going on his phone while he waits for me to make the drink. Okay you know what, screw this. I need to apologize to him now.

"Look, Tyler can we please talk?" I ask.

"You made it pretty clear at that party that you wanted nothing to do with me. I believe you said, "Leave me the fuck alone." He says. I sigh in response. Why did I say that?

"I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean what I said, you just caught me at a bad time." He throws the cash on the table before he begins to walk away.

"If it makes you feel any better, he broke up with me." I say. He stops walking and turns back to face me.

"Did you explain what happened? That it was simply the wrong place at the wrong time?" He asks.

"No, he didn't let me get a word in. Instead, he told me how I changed and how he used to love me." I say.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault."

"It isn't yours either." He responds. I don't say anything back. I just stand there, in thought.

"If he was quick to believe you were cheating on him, maybe it wasn't meant to be anyways." He was right, totally right. I've been thinking about it and I don't think I'm that sad about Drew breaking up with me, it was more the things he said leading up to it that hurt the most. And the way it happened.


"Hey." I greet Chris as I sit down in his chevy.


"So what movie are we seeing?" I ask, buckling up my seatbelt.

"I got us tickets for the new Jurassic Park movie that just came out." Yay, I had been wanting to see that movie for a while.

"Good movie choice." I say to him.

"I try my best."

Once we get to the theater, we grab some popcorn.

"Extra butter please." I say to the guy scooping up the popcorn.

"You read my mind." Chris says, laughing.

"Whenever I order extra butter with anyone else, they get so grossed out." I tell him.

"Why? I don't care if it isn't healthy because it makes the popcorn ten times better."

We go into the movie theater, waiting for the ads to stop so the movie can actually play. I hate ads, they are never ending.


"That movie was so good." I say.

"I'm glad you liked it." He says, eyes focused on the road. I look out the window, letting the wind flow through my hair. By now, I have gotten pretty familiar with the area. Pretty familiar with the place I will be living in for the next year. Once we finally pull up to my house, I undo my seatbelt. Chris stops the car, his eyes glued to the steering wheel. He looks like he is deep in thought. As though he is debating something in his head.

"Hey look Lana, I have to tell you something-" He begins but his phone rings, cutting him off.

"It's my mom." He explains, answering it. Now I want to know what he was going to say..

"Hey mom." He says through the phone.

"I know, I'm on my way home now. You didn't tell me we were having company over!" He says in a normal to high tone. He then hangs up the phone and faces me.

"Sorry that was my mom. Apparently we're having people over and she wants me home." He explains, annoyed.

"No you're fine, go!" I say, getting out of the car.

"Bye Lana." 

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