Chapter 18- Tyler's POV

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Back to the party...

I've been here at this party for about fifteen minutes now. I'm surprised I was even able to make it with how crazy my football schedule is. Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass having to balance football with everything else in my life. I want to be a normal teenager but I can't.

I look around, scanning the area for someone in particular... Lana. I don't know what has gotten into me, but ever since she moved to this town, she's been doing something to me.

"Bro you good?" My buddy Alex asks, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah." I respond.

"There's so many hotties at this party tonight." Kyle says with a grin. It isn't long before my eyes land on Lana. I spot her from across the room, by the drinking station. She looks up from her conversation and we make eye contact. She looks so pretty right now. And I think her hair is curled or something. But who knows, maybe that is her natural hair.

I couldn't help but stare at her, she's just so beautiful. I give her a wink and I can tell she wasn't expecting that. I wasn't totally expecting her to be at this party tonight.

An hour or so later......

"Hey." Some girl says as she walks up to me. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She is very pretty but I'm not too focused on her.

"I'm Liz." She says with a smile.

"Uh his name is Tyler. He just zoned out for a bit there." Alex states. I didn't zone out, I'm just not interested. I can tell Alex thinks that he is saving my ass right now for covering me.

"Uh well I'll see you around." The girl says before walking away. The second she is out of ear shot, Alex looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Bro are you crazy or something? That girl was so hot and she was trying to talk to you." He states.

"I know." I say with a shrug. Why does everyone assume that I have to be interested in every single girl that walks up to you?

"You need to drink or something. You're being weird." Alex suggests.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say before walking away. When I turn the corner, my eyes land on Lana. She is with that stupid Chris guy who 100% has a crush on her. He annoys me.

"Lana?" I ask. It takes me a second to process what I am looking at. Lana's eyes land on me and she appears to be in pain as she's holding her hand. I look down at it to see that it is swollen and looks pretty badly bruised. What the-

"What the hell happened to your hand?" I ask as I take a step closer to her. Concern was going through my body. What the hell is happening to me? My eyes land on Chris and that's when I put everything together. I shoot him a dark look.

"She-" Chris begins but I interrupt him. He better not have hurt her but it sure as hell looks like something happened. I know he likes her so maybe he got mad because she didn't exchange the feelings?

"Did you do this to her? Did you fucking hurt her?" I question, my tone getting higher. My jaw is clenched and I am pissed. Lana looks flustered.

"What-no." She responds.

"I would never do that to Lana." Chris says. All I want to do right now is punch him in the face.

"I swear to God-" I begin, stepping forward to Chris. Lana then steps in the middle of us, trying.

"Tyler he didn't do anything to me. My hand got slammed by the doorknob when we were both trying to open the door at the same time." Lana explains, flustered. I don't know why I am so pissed but I am. I then walk off, not sure what to do next.

I walk back to my group of friends, needing to take a break from what just happened.

"There you are." Kyle says as I enter the circle.

"I just had to piss but I'm good now." I lie. I still couldn't stop my mind from shifting to Lana. It annoys me how much I let her influence me. How much power she has over me.

I can see that same brown hair and blue eyes from earlier. I look to see that Lana is exiting the front door with Chris. What the hell? I need to cool off...

After giving it some thought, I realized that maybe I was too much. Maybe I overreacted? All I know is that I don't like seeing Lana hurt and I guess I acted out. Shit, now I have to go apologize. I walk out the front door and see a car parked in the front of the house. I can see through the window that it's Lana. She must be in Chris' car. What is she doing in there? I look over at the site in front of me and my heart drops. I see their lips on each other's. I quickly turn away and walk back into the house. I felt frozen. And I also felt hurt. But that hurt quickly shifted to anger. How could she do that? I thought she fucking liked me. This is why I don't let people in. 

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