Year 4: 01

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"Miss me?"—————————

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"Miss me?"

"Wow, Ruby Duby, so you do know how to clean up nicely!" Fred chirped as he stood outside the front door of my home.

"It's charming-"


"Endearing!" They both said cheekily after finishing each other's sentences, wiggling their eyebrows and grabbing each other around the shoulders.

"And you two are bloody annoying." I rolled my eyes before I pushed them apart and looked between them. "Ron!" I cheered, jumping off of the front stoop and wrapping my arms around his neck, hanging there for a few seconds. "I've missed you so much, Ronnie! You have to tell me all about your summer! Do you have more freckles now? What about quidditch? Are you trying out this season? We have so much to catch up on!" I beamed, jumping up and down on the balls of my feet. Ron's face slowly started to burn red from all of the attention— something he was not so used to.

"I've missed you, too, Ruby. Honestly, it's only been a few weeks." He said awkwardly as he patted my shoulder. He never was good with displays of affection, but I think that also had to do with Harry's slight jealousy when Ron would grow the balls to do anything remotely more than friendly with me through the years.

"Just you three?" I questioned, looking around the driveway and not seeing a soul around. Rob nodded his head as the twins welcomed themselves into my home. Ron propped his broomstick up against the red brick just like the twins had.

"Yeah. Ginny accidentally sat on Errol this morning and she's been a wreck ever since. Wouldn't stop crying. Fred tried promising her that Errol's wing always bends that way, but I don't think she bought it..." Ron gave a disappointed look as we walked through the halls towards my room. "Mum is bringing her over for dinner later. And I think dad is still at work." He told me while I pushed my cracked door open completely.

We entered the room to see two red headed idiots rummaging through my things. Ron's face flushed and his eyes widened while I felt mine contort into a look of anger.

"Put everything back!" I groaned, looking at how they moved all of my stuff around and disorganized it. Fred held up a jumper in his hand while he wiggled his brows.

"Nice jumper you got there, Ruby." He teased, glancing back down at the all black jumper. "Looks awfully familiar."

"Like we've seen it before." George smirked.

"Wonder if a particular boy-"

"May want it back?" George finished the question for Fred, his lips turning into an teasing grin. My cheeks heated up quickly and I walked over to them, ripping the jumper from Fred's hand and tossing it on to my bed.

"It's not even his! It's mine." I lied, crossing my arms over my chest. They took one knowing glance at each other before the looked back at me with accusing eyes.

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