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"I would've told you

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"I would've told you."

"Doesn't seem very fair, does it?" Hermione randomly broke the silence the two of us were sitting in in the library. I looked up at her, but her eyes remained on her book while she bit the inside of her bottom lip.

"What?" I thought maybe she had said something that I missed in the midst of my own studying, but she bit the inside of her cheek and gave a small shake of her head.

"The elves." She said bluntly with raised brows. I gave a soft giggle, and looked back down at my Charms essay. "It's not fair how they get treated, and the fact that people think S.P.E.W. is ridiculous— it's not ridiculous, it's honorable!" Her passion in the topic grew with each word. 

"I suppose I wouldn't want to live my life that way either. I don't see what's so hard for Ron to grasp about how sad it is. I think it's just his pure blood ideals breaking through in that little walnut brain of his." I joked quietly. "Seriously, imagine living to do something at someone's beck and call just to please them." I gave a slight scoff under my breath and closed my book before I opened another. "That couldn't be me." She glanced over and squinted her eyes to help her vision see the textbook.

"Now what are you working on? I thought you were caught up on your work once you finished your essay?" Ms. Nosey asked while she leaned across the table for a better look.

"Oh, I am. This is just Cormac's Herbology homework." I said flatly while I skimmed through the papers in front of me.

"Ruby, you can't do his work for him! You have your own things to do!" She argued, snatching his paper from in front of me and holding it in the air away from me. "You haven't even been through his classes! I know you're smart, but honestly— how do you expect to complete a fifth year's homework?!" She rummaged through the papers and looked just as confused as I was pretending not to be. 

"That's why I'm reading the book. I'll figure it all out... It might just take a little longer than I would like, but he needs me to do it. I've been doing it for him for a few days now— he's getting behind because he loses sleep from Astronomy." I shrugged, reaching out for the parchment and stealing it back.

"What happened to not wanting to live in a world where you do something at someone's beck and call to please them? You're basically advocating for elfish slavery if you want to show that kind of hypocrisy!" She flattened her palms on the table and peered over at me. "You know what— forget the elves! Where is your sense of self-respect?! Feminism, Ruby! Stick it to the man! Be your own person and all! You can't let him boss you around like that-"

"It's fine, 'Mione. I promise." My look was tired enough that it shut her up, and I was able to write a mediocre draft for Cormac to copy down later.

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