Chapter 2

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My little boy clambered into my soon-to-be-ex-husband's limo followed by the man himself throwing a smirk in my direction before he closed the door and the limo drove off, I watched this from my vantage point of the driver's seat of my car. I have no idea why my soon-to-be-ex-husband would want a driver he insisted in driving every time we went out, but of course a family like his could not be seen driving their own car.

I arrived at the office to find the place surrounded by paparazzi; I drove around the building into the underground carpark parking my car in a free space. I got out and headed towards the elevator where Lindsay one of my co-workers was waiting.

"Hey, Isabella. How are you?" Lindsay chirped far too happy for first thing in the morning.

I smiled politely at her like I have been taught to before answering, "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking. I heard about your husband signing the divorce papers." She said looking at me sheepishly.

At this I began to laugh causing her to stumble back in surprise so I explained, "Yeah, finally. I have been wanting a divorce for the last two years."

"I'm guessing you did not part on good terms?" she enquired.

My smile widen at this before I quipped back, "You could say that but I guess you're about to find out."

After I said this, the elevator arrived and we stepped on it pressing the button for the floor we were based on. The elevator whisked us up, reaching my floor first.

Before I got out I turned to Lindsay and said, "It was great seeing you, maybe we can work together soon."

"Yeah. Have a good day." Lindsay answered smiling brightly.

I walked out onto my floor into the reception where Anna, the receptionist, sat behind a solid oak desk talking away on the phone to someone in another department. She smiled up at me as I passed and I politely smiled in return. I never felt as if I could genuinely smile anymore when my heart lay in shatters, the person who vowed to protect and love me for eternity did not stick to his word. As much as I hated my husband I loved the man he used to be so much more, every day I hoped that man would return.

My thoughts brought a frown to my face, why was I thinking about this, he was never returning, he played his cards now we all had to deal with his decision.

I walked through the office to my desk, to gather my files for the weekly Monday morning meeting.

I entered the conference room to find a couple of people already there one of them being one of my best friends, Tatiana. Tatiana is a tall Russian blonde whom I met in college, since then we'd been like sisters. She looked up at my entrance and smiled a small sad smile at me. My best friend understood everything about me she knew, that I was glad my husband signed the divorce papers but that in the back of my mind it killed me to do this.

I sat down in my usual seat across from her before speaking, " Hey, How are you?"

She saw right through my blatant avoidance and said, "Not so fast. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I am." I tried to convince her.

"I can read you like a book, Bella. If you won't tell me now, we'll talk later." She replied before straightening up in her seat and opening the file at the top of her pile as our boss walked in.

Beverly, our boss, began the meeting by saying, " 'The Upper Side of NY' is a magazine that brings the population of New York the goings on of NY's elite, and sitting in this very room we have the biggest news of the year possibly a decade."

As she said this everyone's eyes turned to me, before she could continue I stood up acknowledging her reference to my divorce and letting her know I had something to say about it, you don't marry one of the most ruthless business men without learning a few things.

"As you are all probably aware by this morning's news or the paparazzi camped outside, my husband has signed the divorce papers and had them delivered them to me. I will not write an article on the destruction of my marriage but I will consent to being interviewed." I addressed the room before sitting down.

My boss nodded at me thanking me for my input before asking, "Isabella, You yourself are a prominent member of an elite Upper East Side family, the Van Gard's, are very well known and respected within upper social circles. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"The fact that my family also holds some weight on the Upper East Side is pushing me to do this, I need to gain control of the press before my beloved husband and his family spin some rubbish," I reasoned.

This time it was Tatiana that spoke directly to me, "Are you sure you can do this?"

"I have been Mrs. Charles Van Der Houston for too long now it is time for me to be Ms. Isabella Van Gard for the sake of myself and Trent." I answered Tatiana in a sure tone.




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