11 | All Falls Down (Ross)

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"And I still think we should go to the Snow Ball together. Let me know, eh? You're gonna think about it, right?"

"Yeah," is Bea's answer.

"That's my girl."

Insecurity swirls in my chest, as I grapple with fear of Gus and Bea bonding. And I thought I screwed the lid down on my old demon, jealousy.

My memories flood back, the childhood days echoing in my mind. Gus, effortlessly basked in love, popularity and validation at school. I always felt like a shadow: unseen and unnoticed. The contrast between us etched itself deep within me, at times fuelling a sense of resentment and longing for the same recognition.

As we grew older, I got to understand we are simply different, and that I should be happy in my own skin. Be the best version of myself. I thought, I truly thought I had mastered that lesson. Now that I see Gus and Bea chatting together, a wave of self-doubt crashes over me, questioning my worth, wondering if I can ever compete with Gus' charm.

I slump back in my chair and look forlornly at the two of them talking. And I know exactly what's going to happen: I'm going to wuss out. It's what weak people do. It's what I've always done. I never stand up to Gus, and I never ask girls out.

Weak, weak, weak.

Beatrice Laurent, you are out of my league.

Always measured and rational, I avoided feeling things because feelings – hurt me. But Bea opened me up. Her frankness, her wild spirit. I'm a cracked nut, but now I can't handle it. I want to close my turtle shell back up, and just shut it all out before I explode. I cannot handle this.

As if that weren't enough, Gus calls her his girl, and Bea doesn't correct him at all.

All I get from him is a deprecating gaze and a painful smack on the head.
It's as if the gesture wishes to say know your place, whelp.

Then it all happens so fast. Bea roars, literally roars at my brother, her fierce protection displayed in the form of a mountain lioness. It's only the second time I've seen her transformed, but I never witnessed the moment of the shift.

Both Gus and I are momentarily speechless, our minds struggling to comprehend the sight before us.

She growls at him and prepares to leap forth.

The impotent, paralyzed look on his face is a look I know all too well. I saw it so many times staring back at me from a mirror.

Before Bea can harm Gus, I swiftly intervene, stepping between them with outstretched arms. "Stop! It's not worth it," I plead, my voice filled with urgency and concern.

The mountain lioness pauses, actually heeding my call.

Gus, sensing the danger temporarily wane, quickly retreats, leaving the room in a hurry.

Relief washes over me as I watch my brother disappear, my heart pounding in my chest. I turn to Bea, her massive wild form dominating the entire bedroom. Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around her, holding her tightly.

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for not harming my brother."

She groans and collapses on the floor, writhing and changing back into her human form.

Racket and raised voices come from downstairs, and then everything is silent again. Gus must have left.

Bea's features morph and settle into familiar contours.

I gently guide her towards the bed where I cover her with the soft bedsheets. Blushing at the sight of her nude back, I look away but still hold her hand, and sit beside her. I hope my touch is offering at least some comfort and reassurance in this scary moment.

Once Upon a You | A Beauty and the Beast Retelling ✔️Where stories live. Discover now